Looks Can Kill

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Ok so, this is a Flavio x Fashonless!Male!Reader

Because we all know

Flavio is the gayest gay to ever gay

And I haven't written a yaoi fic yet. So, here we go¿¿¿

Suggested by @Relodia


I never had paid attention to how I dressed. I never really cared, to be honest. Nothing usually matched, but it was clothes. It kept me warm. And as long as it did that, I didn't give two shits.

But noooooo my boyfriend couldn't stand the fact that I, (F/n) (L/n), had the worst fashion sense ever.

"Just let me pick out your clothes? Pleaseeeee??" He cries.

"No! I don't need you to pick out my clothes for me." I said, walking away from our bedroom. He wanted me to wear a white button up with a burgundy sweater on top, with black dress pants and slacks. I thought it was too much, and, who the fuck would wear a white button up underneath a sweater? That's like, preppy school boy, and I ain't having it.

"Just once?" He yelled after me.


"How about a suit? It's a date (Y/n), you can't look ridiculous."

"What if I don't care how I look?" I heard him follow behind me, not carrying any clothes.

"You should! And besides, when I asked you out for the first time, I asked you if you were gonna dress nicely on our 4th date. Well, it's our 4th date and-"

By this point, I had gotten severely agrivated, and I don't know what came over me.

"Who said I wanted to go on this 4th date?" I turned around and snarled at him. His eyes looked hurt, and he backed up a little bit.

I fucked up, didn't I?

"Well, fine. If you don't wanna go, we won't go." He muttered.

"Flavio, I'm sor-"

"I'm going to bed, (Y/n). Good night." He turned around with such sadness, I began to feel physical pain.

Yeah I truly fucked up. Guess who was sleeping on the couch tonight?

There was no doubt in my mind that Flavio was going to be mad at me for a few days and I was gonna have to sleep on the couch.

Midnight came around and I still couldn't fall asleep. Something burned deep in my chest. I knew it wasn't going away soon. I needed to fix this. Flavio deserves the best.

I got up, got my keys, and ran out to the car.

*time skip*

Everything was in place. Flavio had an internal clock, and at 8:30 he would wake up.


I made sure my hair was nice in the Kitchen mirror.


I realigned the silverware and fixed my pant legs.


I heard the door upstairs open. Heavy footsteps limped down the hall and into the kitchen. A messy head of blonde hair looked into the kitchen, his eyes landing on me. I saw his eyes grow in size, and his blonde curl sprung up.

"W-what....." He started. I only rushed over to him and shushed him. I placed my fingers on his lips, looking him in the eye.

"I'm sorry. I really should care more about my appearance. I need to look good for you." I smile at him. He smiles widely back at me, his face becoming pinker by the minute.

"I love you (Y/n)" he smiled. I rest my hand on his cheek and bring him in for a kiss. It only lasted a few seconds, but it made me want to kiss him more.

And so I did.

And the meal on the kitchen table was left to get cold.

Because, and I quote from Flavio, "You tried so hard to get those clothes on, let me take them off."

And so he did


Ok that took a lot longer then what I intended. Like writers block, go away.

Well I hope y'all like it, it was fun to write

See ya later fam!

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