Barrier [10]

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The Capitol made Alexis sick, the bright artificial colours and lights made her head go fuzzy. The tap of her shoes made her feel like Effie, though she knew she'd never imitate the walk perfectly. She played with her fingers as her steps echoed throughout the corridor. She was late. She couldn't quite find the right outfit to wear that would make snow happy. One that showed off her body enough to make the Capitol still care about her.

She hated it. She'd wear a suit if it meant she didn't show off her body. She'd rock a suit. But it's not allowed.

Her curls bobbed from side to side as she looked for her tributes in the large room. It was time for the tribute parade. Then she payed eyes on Haymitch and quickly walked over to the group; relieved that she found them. "Aren't you supposed to be coal miners?" Alexis asked curiously as her eyes drifted to Peeta and Katniss, who were looking down at their outfits.

"They're coal..." Cinna states, "Soon there will be fire."

Alexis raised an eyebrow at the the two stylists "So you dressed me up in a lovely miners outfit?" Alexis jokes with Cinna and Portia who laughed at her sarcasm.

"We never had the idea until now" Portia laughs patting Alexis on the back. "You look beautiful by the way."

"Thank you..." Alexis drifts between and smile and frown before turning back to the tributes. "Now you two," She said while pointing two them. "I want you to smile and wave to the people, like we talked about last night." She grabbed both Katniss' and Peeta's hands, "Now don't get too overwhelmed, but just before you reach President Snow, I want you to hold hands and put them in the air." Alexis moves their hands in the formation. "Okay? It'll grab peoples attention."

As she released their hands, Peeta kept his eyes on the girl; almost in a trance until Haymitch but in, "Don't make it look to awkward." That made everyone laugh as the two tributes were standing as still as can be. Cinna and Portia were then left with the Tributes to add finishing touches, before the timer goes off, and the parade starts.

There are screens all over the room, Alexis, Haymitch and Effie all watch in awe, the costumes that Peeta and Katniss are wearing are plain black before they light on fire. The mesmerising orange and yellow, mixed with the heat of the red flames flicker in the wind as they go past.

"Beautiful." Alexis states, though she noticed her eyes were stuck in the boy, the small smile that laid on his face as he looked over the crowds of people, calling his name, cheering for him.

"Just Wonderful." Effie begins, "I wonder if it hurts?"

"No, the fire is fake..." Cinna while going to sit down, satisfied if his work so far, Portia soon followed him.

This gave Alexis a chance to give a proper hello, she walked up the Cinna and gave him a big hug, doing the same for Portia. "I've missed you guys a lot, I haven't seen you since the Victory Tour."

It was true, Cinna and Portia had been there since Alexis' games, though Cinna was only a trainee at the time, Alexis had grew to be quite fond of the man.

"And we've missed you just as much" Portia says letting Alexis go.

Before they knew it, the parade was over and Katniss and Peeta had returned to the group.
"I think you impressed Caesar." Alexis jokes grabbing Peeta's hand to help him off the horse carriage. But surprisingly he didn't let go, Alexis looked at him and smiled before seeing the district 2 male tribute - Cato, staring at her, she hesitantly let go, giving Haymitch a look.

"Um, lets uh, let's go upstairs.."  Haymitch states motioning for all of them to follow him.

"So, each of the districts get their own floor, and because you're from 12 you get the penthouse." Effie says sounding even more excited than what she did when Katniss volunteered.

Alexis looked around the large room, her eyes squinted as she remembered her first time here. It was the same. Same building. Same window ledge. Same dumb rug.

She smiled down at the rug, memories filled her mind only to be interrupted by Effie calling out, "Dinner will be ready in an hour." She looked up as she met a gaze with Effie, who smiled before leaving to her room. Alexis looked over her shoulder to be met with two confused teenagers.

A look of wonder, amazement and confusion covered their faces, "Uhm, I'll show you to your rooms..." Alexis said while scratching the back of her neck and gesturing for them to follow her. She lead them down a narrow hallway, it almost gave the girl claustrophobia it was so small, "Katniss... Your room in down there," She pointed to her right into another hallway, "Down there and to the left." Katniss walked down to her room without asking any questions, when she had disappeared behind the corner, Alexis turned to be face to face with Peeta. Well.. Face to chest. They were so close they could feel each others breath on their cheeks. Alexis looked up to the boy before giving and awkward smile, "Uhm... Your room is further down..."

Peet looked down at her with a curious look on his face, he placed a hand on her cheek. Alexis didn't know how to feel. She wanted this so bad but it couldn't happen. Not now. Not like this. Not in this situation. "Come on, Pita..." She breathed while looking down, "Your rooms down here..." She stepped away, allowing his hand to fall to his side.

Once he was inside, she shut the door, sliding down the back as her emotions hit her. This was a boy that she had known since she could remember, every memory she had, there was Dustin with Peeta always hanging around. She didn't want to see him go in the same way their best friend did.

She rest her head in the back of the door and took a deep breath. Unbeknown to each other but Peeta was on the other side, same position as Alexis; back to the door, head resting against the cool metal. Although they were so close, it seemed like it was impossible to get to each other, a barrier between them. As much as they tried to push through, to get to each other, they knew they couldn't. They couldn't without the possibility of one of them getting heartbroken in the end.

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