Birthday Surprise ( Freddie's version )

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'This is the version of Freddie's birthday since I made one for Sam I thought I should make one for Freddie as well :>'

Sam and Freddie have been married for about a year now. Both were occupied with their jobs yet they generally make a point to give themselves some time alone.

They both decided and settled in L. A (they bought a house when they both started having their salary and they lived together even before they got official by law) after they got back together when Freddie fell in the tank of dangerous tuna fishes.

Back to the main point, Freddie's birthday is coming tomorrow and his wife is eager to give her present to him.

Sam stayed at the house since it was Saturday, she doesn't have work while Freddie left early but he will return at noon.

She was watching a film while eating chips when she craved doughnuts. Sam decided to call her husband to make her cravings fulfilled.


Freddie: Hey, Sam?

Sam: Hey.

Freddie: Why did you call? Do you need anything?

Sam: Yeah. Can you bring donuts on your way home?

Freddie: Sure. I'm leaving the office now. See you later. I love you.

Sam: Love you too.

Sam continued watching the series she's currently obsessed with. After 45 minutes Freddie finally arrived at their house.

"I'm home!" Freddie called as he entered their home, "In here!" his wife shouted back, coming from their lounge chair.

Freddie advanced there and smiled the moment he saw his better half. She unquestionably removes the entirety of his sluggishness and stress from his job every second she sees her.

"Here are your doughnuts." Freddie gave them after they shared a peck on the lips. "What are you watching?"

"Dynasty. It's a great series, want to go along with me?" Sam asked him, "Sure. But, I would take a quick shower first." he stated and went upstairs in their shared restroom that's inside the master's bedroom they both sleep at.

Soon enough, Freddie joined Sam on their couch. The couple binge-watch the series until before their sleep time. The simple time they had spent together this evening surely felt like a date to them.

*11:30 pm*

"You wanna go to bed now?" Freddie scrutinized his wife as he saw her eyes slowly dropping.

Sam just hummed in response, "Come on then." Freddie stood up from his seat while gently pulling Sam's hand. Sam shook her head and opened her arms after, signaling him to carry her.

Freddie just snickered as he shook his head at how adorable she is right now. He carried her bridal style upstairs to their shared bedroom. He gently placed her wife on their bed then joined her in after a short while.

Sam moved from her current position, since her back was facing him, and started nestling him.

She only shows this side of hers whenever they are alone. Freddie feels fortunate that he's the only one she lets him see her soft side.

Sam just held her eyes close throughout since she's waiting for the clock w
to tick at midnight whilst Freddie was occupied in his phone, scrolling on his social media account.


They are both attending their phones when Sam called Freddie's attention, "Hey, Nub?"

"Yeah?", Freddie smiled and faced her. "I have a question," Sam mumbled nervously.

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