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Being exposed to the internet for many years, Sam and Freddie grew a vast amount of fans worldwide. Fans that ship the both of them together are also the ones who jumped from bliss when the two announced their relationship in public.

Sam was currently sitting in the living room as she held her phone in her palm.

A lingering picture of her and Freddie was above the caption that says,

"It is sad to announce to the public that Freddie and I are not dating anymore. We hope you understand and respect our privacy about our relationship. Thank you if you cooperated with our requests but if not then say hello to my buttersock."

Sam tapped the tweet button and seconds later, her phone made continuous noises from the notification she was getting from her fans.

"You really did it, huh?" Freddie sighed, who was currently sitting in the opposite chair as Sam. Minutes departed, and Freddie's phone also started making sounds that made him groan in annoyance.

Sam turned her phone into the 'do not disturb' setting while Freddie did the same.

"Okay, fine." Sam rolled her eyes as she had enough. She grabbed her phone from the coffee table before she started typing.

"My phone would blow up any minute now, but I just want to tell you that we aren't dating anymore because we're already engaged! So, calm your horses, please :) And tell me I've got you there so good! Ha!"

"There," Sam smirked before she saw Freddie walking back his way to the living room when she didn't even notice his disappearance until she saw his stressed face appearing again. Her fiancè was holding the phone in between his palm and ear as he was conversing with another person that was on the other side of the call.

"No, Carly!" He asserted, "We didn't break up. - I don't know what came to her mind, but she did it anyway. - Oh, you wanna talk to her? Okay, here."

Freddie handed the phone to Sam which made the blonde widen her eyes, "No! She's gonna yell and scold me for almost giving her a heart attack!"

"Well, babe, it's kinda your fault, so you should pay for your consequences, don't you think?"

"Fine, give me the damn phone!" Sam exclaimed before she hesitantly put the phone in her ear.

And that's how the rest of the evening went by with Carly reprimanding Sam for what she did.

Oh, and also let's not forget the continuous notification they got from their fans and family for their engagement.


Got this idea from Tumblr :)

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