Chapter 1

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Madeline's Pov:
Damon and I were looking for someone to feast on. We found someone, the sheriff: alone at night, walking in the woods. We looked at each other and nodded. Damon took the first bite and she screeched. Then I started at her wrist. Man, it's been a couple of days since I've had human blood.
I got home, Damon, since he's a little bigger than me an older, he needs more food. Stefan was writing in his diary and looked up. "Madeline... No you didn't," he said and got up. "Stefan. It's hard not to," I said. "You said you were done!" He yelled. "Well sorry, this is new to me, not eating humans!" I roared. He zipped through the air like lightning and we ended up at the wall, his hand on my neck holding me against the wall like I was glued to it. "You can't do this anymore Madeline! Your turning into another Damon!" He yelled. I kicked him in the stomach. "Maybe because I'm the little sister and I won't grow to be like you!" I shouted and ran out the door, getting into my bright pink car. I drove an drove until suddenly it was seven o'clock in the morning. I was in Tulsa, Oklahoma. My car started running out of gas. I went to a gas station called the dx. In there were four guys, two that worked there and two greasers. Man I was hungry from driving the whole night. "I need my at filled up please," I said. "Okay, Steve go fill her car up," one with movie star looks said and a guy with a cool tattoo went in. A tall guy with big eyebrows put his arm around me. "Your not from here," he said. He sounded like he was from Brooklyn. "Neither are you," I said and he chuckled. "Your a feisty little broad," he said and smirked. "Are- are you hitting on me?" I asked crossing my arms. "Maybe," he said. "Please, I'm not in the mood for more drama in my life, I already have enough," I said and took the guy's arm off of me. "What other drama do you have in your life? Killing someone or a breakup?" He asked. "I... Did something that could get me and them killed," I said. "What did you do?" He asked. "I can't tell you," I said and the guy who filled up my car came in with a bloody hand. Ugh, seriously? "Steve what did you do to your hand?" The one with movie star looks said. My face was probably changing, that blood looked real good. "I gotta go. Thanks for filling my car," I said and left before I could take a bite. I left and drove out of the place. I decided I should cruise around a little bit. And suddenly it went from day to night, and before I knew it, it was seven o'clock at night.
Elizabeth's POV:
"As always, I'm alone" I thought to myself. I don't have anyone anymore. I am 18 years old now. I haven't had a real home or family in 8 years, I haven't had anyone since the two worst moments of my life. First off, I am one of nine children. My oldest sister is only seven months older that me and my two brothers we are triplets and born so early. Or were anyway. My oldest sisters name is ally. My name is Elizabeth and my two brothers were Ky and Dallas. Then came David and Maria, twins. Then lauryn and Kerri, also twins. Finally came baby Chloe. At least she was a baby when I left eight years ago. My mother raised this big family on her own as a single parent. The first tragedy was when my brother Ky fell ill and died exactly a month before our tenth birthday. The other thing that happened was exactly a week after our tenth birthday me and Dallas were actually having some fun again. Dallas got too careless and by accident dropped his blade and it hit me right on the left cheek. Lucky for me it didn't hit my eye. My mother rushed me to the hospital immediately. I was okay but the scar would never go away so I had to live my life with an ugly scar on my cheek. As soon as I was okay and all that was left was the scar I left my home in New York. When I left I was only ten years old. When I was sixteen I got a job in Pennsylvania or wherever I was at that time. I was able to buy a tuff blue motorcycle. That's how I ended up wandering around in a place I just found out was Tulsa, Oklahoma. I saw a gang all walking together on the street. One of them look familiar, but from where? Then I knew he noticed me and reconized me too. He was running toward me and smiling. Then it hit me, that was the triplet left, Dallas Winston. The reason I ran away was because I never wanted to get in trouble again because he told on me for punching him when he called me a name. Or something like that would happen then I would get into trouble. I left so I didn't ever have to see him. So I did the only option I could think of. Run. So I did and got pretty far but he was still chasing me. So I stopped and realized I was in the middle of the street. The next thing I knew I saw bright lights and I was In the air watching the bright pink car slam the breaks. Everything was in slow motion. Then I was falling waiting for the impact of the hard ground. Then I hit it and everything turned black.
Madeline's pov:
Oh no, I've killed two people in less than twenty four hours. Well hopefully I didn't kill this person. I quickly got out and looked at this helpless body lying on the ground, barely breathing. I gasped. What have I done?!
Suddenly, I saw the guy that put his arm around me earlier behind me. "No, not another sibling," he said. "She's your sister?" I asked him. He nodded and knelt down by her. "Man I'm so sorry. I didn't see her until I saw her fly into the air," I said. "Your the girl that I tried to pick up earlier at the dx, you got a name?" He asked. "Madeline, don't tell my brothers about this. They'll take my car away and lock me up in the basement," I pleaded. "I'm Dallas, call me Dally. Man, help me get her to the hospital," he said. "Yeah sure," I said. He picked her up and six other guys came, circling me, Dally, and that girl. "What happened?" The one that had a bloody hand at the dx said. "The broad I tried to pick up hit my long-lost sister with her car," Dally explained. "Woah, wait a minute. Dally, you have a sister?" One with a Mickey Mouse shirt asked. "Yeah. Long story twobit. We are taking her to the hospital," dally said. I could smell that tasty blood of hers. "Can we come?" The Mickey Mouse shirt guy asked. "Well I don't think it's safe to let seven guys I hardly know into my car," I said. "Fine, blondie. I'm twobit, that's sodapop, Steve, Johnny, Darry, pony boy and Johnny. And what's your name shorty?" He asked and laughed. "Madeline is my name. Don't make fun of me, I would've been taller if Katherine- never mind that lets go," I said and got in the car, motioning them to come along. "Who's Katherine?" Twobit asked, leaning close to my ear. He sat behind me. "No one. Just a girl I used to know a long time ago," I said. I didn't want to talk about her, she brings back memories."She's obviously someone important, she's why your short," twobit said. "Nothing, no one," I said. "You sure?" He asked. I was starting to tear up and I nodded. All of a sudden at a red light Stefan and Damon appeared at the car door. "Woah where'd you come from?" Sodapop asked. "We walked over here dummy. Madeline what are you doing here?" Damon asked. "What are you doing here Damon?" I asked. "To get you. Now answer my question," he said. "Sorry Damon but the light is green," I said and drove away to the hospital, and we got to the hospital. Stefan and Damon blocked my car door so I couldn't get out. "Look leave us alone this girl is dying," Steve said. Damon smirked. "Like bleeding?" He asked. "Damon! They'll tell!" I roared. "What's going on Madeline?" Stefan asked. Twobit said. "I was driving and I hit this girl and apparently her brother is apart of a gang so I ended up taking them all to the hospital," I explained. "Lets get this girl in the hospital before she dies and I will kill two people in less than twenty four hours!" I said. "Who else did you kill?" Pony asked nervously. "I can't say. I won't kill you guys though," I said and we all went into the hospital. The doctors took her in immeadietly and we headed into the waiting room. "Hey dallas, I'm sorry that hitting her with my car. I don't know how much that hurts but it looked like it was painful," I said cracking my knuckles. "It's fine man. I would say sorry for hitting on you but Winstons don't say sorry," he said putting his feet out onto the coffee table. "Woah woah woah woah. Dude, you were hitting on my sister?!" Stefan asked concerned. "It's fine Stefan it's not the first time someone has," I said rolling my eyes. "I got my eye on you Winston," Stefan said and crossed his arms. "You make me laugh, punk," Dally chuckled. "Dally c'mon we're in a hospital. Dont start a fight in front of these old timers," Johnny said and laughed a little. Dally rolled his eyes. "I'm going to see her," I said getting up. "Me too," dally said. "Dallas I will kill you if you make another move on her. And I mean it, man," Damon said. Dally rolled his eyes, he must have trouble controlling them or something. They always roll.
We went into her room. The doctor was in their looking at a clipboard and holding a green pen. "Hey doc how is she?" Dally asked. "I hate to say it, but she's in a coma. We don't know how long until she wakes up but fingers crossed not too long," the doctor replied. I put her in a coma?! If she dies, that means I have killed two people in one night! Oh no, I'm turning into another Damon. I looked over at dally, he was as white as a sheet and anger, depression, and sorrow filled his dark brown eyes.

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