Chapter 2

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Elizabeth's POV:

They think I can't see them. That girl madeline or whatever and my stupid brother. Seriously did he not get the hint when I ran away. Maybe I can't respond to them or move, but I can see and hear them. This coma thing is really bugging me, I've never stayed still for over an hour yet I've been like this for what seems like days. I just hate it, I really want to dive through that window and do my perfect landing just as I used to do. Before this happened. Why did that dumb blonde have to hit me with her car.

Madeline's pov:

I wonder if that girl, what's her name like Liz or something, is mad at me. Probably is more than her brother and I think he's gonna kill me (or at least try) or maybe she's the forgiving kind and will know it was just an accident. I felt something on my hand as I sat on a chair and started to fall asleep, but I ignored it. A few minute later I woke up and looked over at a Dally next to me. He looked like he saw a ghost. Boy, he must really love his sister. Or was it his cousin? I couldn't remember.
I looked down at my hands. My ring that lets me stay alive in sunlight was gone. I was scared and started taking deep breaths.
"Dally did you find a ring on the floor or something? It's pink and made of metal and I need it," I said nervously. I looked at him, and he had it on his finger. "Give me it I need it to survive," I demanded. "Why do you need it?" He asked yanking his hand away before I could steal it. "To survive now give it to me," I said angrily. "Why would happens if you don't? Why do you need it to survive?" He asked. "I will tell you when you give it back," I said. He rolled his eyes, again, and gave it back. "Now tell me, why do you need it?" He asked. "Can't tell you," I said and headed for the door, but he blocked it off. "Tell me or I will kill you," he said and looked at a wooden knife. That'll kill me for sure. "With this," he smirked and picked it up. "No. Please," I said backing up. I ran around the room as he chased me. All of a sudden I saw her move slightly. Before I could say she was moving Dally got ahold of me and grabbed me, my back against his chest and he was covering my mouth. I tried to scream but he wouldn't let me. He had the stake in his hand and I kicked it out of his hand. He walked with me to get it and grabbed it. Then, she moved a bit more again. Was she coming out of her coma?

Elizabeth's POV:

Is it real? Is this a dream? No! I can move my hands! I'm waking up! But great, to the sight of my stupid brother getting into another fight. "Dally stop it you idiot!" I yelled. Wow did I just yell never mind talk. It's been so quiet and now I yelled. Both of them stopped immediately and got really pale. I think they were more shocked then I was to see me alive. Dally immediately dropped her and ran over to hug me. Wow, never got that reaction after calling someone an idiot. "Liz, I've missed you so much, I can't believe your here!" Dally exclaimed. "Wow looks like someone can't take a hint, and don't call me Liz." I said sarcastically. Suddenly some kid with a Mickey Mouse shirt walked in. He helped up that girl madeline Dally had just dropped. She kept staring at him, it was obvious they liked each other. Dally seemed to have become much softer since I woke up. He seemed confused because of what I said. "What's wrong? What did I do, I haven't seen you in about eight years." He asked. I gestured to the scar on my cheek and said "I ran away when you gave me this stupid scar that I will have to live with forever." "Look, I'm sorry can't you forgive me, it was a long time ago, and it makes you look tuff." Pleaded Dally. " I dunno, and what the heck is tuff?" I asked. "It's a compliment and it means you look tough and cool." Dally answered. "Can you at least come home with me and explain to the rest of the gang what happened and who you are?" "Fine, but first someone needs to drive me to where I hid my motorcycle." I answered "Okay and can you please be nice to them, I'm supposed to be the mean one in the gang." Dally said smirking trying to get me to at least smile. "Who said I want to even be part of your gang?" I asked not returning a smile.
We were in the parking lot and that girl madeline point to a bright pink mustang and said "Okay that's my car!" with a half smile. "No I am not riding in that thing" I said. Those boys who Dally were with looked surprised. "We are not that far." Dally pleaded. "Nope I'm walking" I said. And for some reason he followed me as I started walking away. "Well I'm coming with you" Dally said. I didn't respond because I just wanted to get to my motor cycle. And honestly, I didn't care where he was.
Madeline's pov:

That guy, I think two-bit, looked pretty hot in the hospital. I offered Liz when she woke up to ride in my car, but I think she likes walking. Or maybe she had a fear of cars, I dunno. Damon and stefan left and so it was just me and the guys. Oh great, I saw what happens in these kind of situations on TV. "You guys annoy me once and your walking like Dally and that other girl. Ya hear?" I said and they nodded. We got in the car and ponyboy directed me to his house, I guess they all hung out there or something. We got there and steve headed for the kitchen with two-bit racing in but bumped into the door. "You guys have something that involves blood-err I mean chocolate?" I asked. "Blood?" soda asked. "Never mind that," I said quickly and he just shrugged it off. Boy, that was a close call.
Two-bit offered me a piece of chocolate cake, but I refused, though it did look good. He threw a crumb at my face but I caught it in my mouth. All of a sudden we heard people arguing outside. I looked out the window and saw Liz and Dally (I remembered her name this time!) fighting because Liz didn't want to come and meet the gang. Soda went outside to try to break it up, but Liz ended up punching him in the face he went out cold. I went out to am why she knocked him out but they beat me there to stop Liz from doing it again. When I got out there, Liz was asking them why they think they could stop her. "Why do you want to beat up people?" Johnny asked innocently.
Elizabeth's POV:

This short boy came over questioning why I like to beat up people. "Excuse me little boy, but I don't like it when people try to make me do things. I was about to do that to Dally trying to make me come inside, the some overly confident kid comes over to be the hero and stop me." I answered. "Just don't bother me and I won't bother you". I think I scared him because then he backed off to stand with everyone else. "Liz-" Dally started but I cut him off. "I said don't call me Liz!" "Fine, but will you please just meet my friends and help me explain what happened." "Okay, but I don't think they like me." I responded. "We understand, just come inside and we won't force you to do anything" said the boy who I think they called Ponyboy. He was helping up the kid I knocked out who was now conscious. "Fine" I muttered. We all walking inside and they randomly sat down in various places. One of them offered me a seat but I told them I'd rather stand. And so I stood leaning against the wall near the front door. That girl madeline and the boy with the Mickey shirt were sitting next to each other. I wasn't surprised. "So who are you?" Asked the kid I knocked out. "My name is Elizabeth, but I guess you guys can call me Liz." I responded. "I'm his sister" I said gesturing toward Dally. "How come we never heard about her, Dally?" Asked the one I scared who I think is Johnny. "I dunno" was all Dally could put together. "So why did you guys get separated?" One of them asked. "I tell you once you all tell me your names." They went around and all said there names. Man, some of them were weird. "Okay so I ran away from our home in New York when I was ten. I know it sounds crazy but somehow I ended up here." I said. "Why did you run away in the first place?" Asked Steve. "Two reason, one, I was a triplet then one of my brothers fell ill and sadly passed away." Just thinking about it makes me wince. "Oh I'm sorry, that must be hard." Some of them said. "You have more siblings?" Two-bit asked. "Yeah actually in total they were nine of us, but now because of that eight". Dally answered. "What was the second reason?" Asked Madeline. I'm still mad at that girl, but I answer her question because I think the rest re still curious. "Because Dally did this!" I say pointing to my scar. Remembering just makes me even madder.

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