Chapter 3

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Elizabeth's POV:

I had to get out of there before I did something crazy so I bolted. I ran to find my motor cycle and some kind of lot. When I'm on my motorcycle I feel alive. No problems. No nothing. I'm free. All I really wanted to do was find my family. They had to be here if Dally was, but where? Why did I have to change, I used to love everything, now I'm just a heartless lonely girl. I want to change, but how could someone go from mean cold girl back to my old self? I'm so tired ill figure it out in the morning.


I didn't actually sleep last night I just thought about what I would do today. I decided I would go back and talk to Dally secretly somehow. I was walking back when I saw the whole gang walking down the street. That girl Madeline was there too. Dally seemed to be hanging to the back. I knew exactly what to do! I've become a fast runner. I ran to the bush that they would soon be passing. I grabbed Dally and pulled him into the bush. I was actually proud of myself because the rest of the gang didn't even flinch. I had to keep my hand over his mouth and shushing him so he didn't scream and get me busted.
"Sorry Dally" I said "but I need you to tell me something."
"I'll tell you anything as long as you'll forgive me" he said grinning.
"Fine!" I answered a little to loudly.
"Aww crap, they heard you" Dally said
"No duh smart one, I have to get out of here and if you want me to forgive you, you'll come too." I said getting ready to run. Then he grabbed my arm and said "No just please meet them and be nice"
"Fine" I said as we got out of the bush and walked over to them.
Authors note:
Okay so some technical difficulties happened and everything we did got deleted so here's what's going on and now going to take place:
- Madeline slept on the couch overnight at the Curtis brothers house and then they all decided to go out to eat at The Dingo
- sodapop likes Ally, Dally and Liz's sister.
- Liz finds out that Madeline is a vampire
- Madeline tries compels Liz so now Liz is going to find out if Ally likes Sodapop back (so Madeline can do some more compelling on soda and ally so they're a couple), but Liz can tell what she's tryin to do and puts her in a choke hold and threatens her to never do it again. Liz still agrees to try and find out if what Madeline thinks is true and Liz is also finding out who Two-bit's crush is.
- They just got to the Dingo.
Keep reading and hopefully you understand what's going on, if not I can explain it better for ya ;)
(Btw I know your wondering why I won't just do it over... Well I'm kinda the lazy type and so I don't feel like doing a thousand paragraphs all over again)
---at the dingo---
Madeline's pov:
Two-bit sat next to me. I got butterflies in my stomach. He joked with me before on the way here, but he never really does with me. I wonder why. What if he doesn't like me back? Ugh, I can talk about him all day and how amazing he is. He probably doesn't like me back, I mean being a guy as hot as him who would? There's a ton of girls I bet he'd rather go out with, plus my brothers seem threatening to boys, even to Jeremy still when he would talk to me. I think two-bit only sat next to me probably because all the other ones were taken.
Elizabeth's pov:
I had to sit next to dally and vampire girl. Ugh. "So when are you going to show me where the rest of our family lives?" I asked dally. "We can go right after this." "Fine" I responded. People must think I'm always mad. The whole morning just sat there with a bored look on my face, if someone talked to me I would say a dull "cool" or "oh". Practically the whole time madeline and twobit just blabbed on. Madeline laughing very hysterically and two bit saying corny jokes. Madeline kept talking to me and blabbing but I didn't understand a word she said. Finally it was time to leave. The rest of the gang started walking back to the Curtis house and dally showed me towards the direction of our house. Before we left I think madeline was trying to ask two bit questions about who he likes. But only really hinting at it.
Madeline's pov:
Two-bit looked at me nervously when I asked him who he liked. "Marilyn Monroe is decent I guess," he said. "But I know who you like," he said smirking. I got nervous. He probably didn't like me back. I know he didn't.
"Well good for you," I said smiling nervously and walked away faster. C'mon, please don't actually know who I like. Please.
"Wait hold on," he said catching up to me. "No," I said walking even faster.
I got to the house before anyone else did and sat on the couch. Ugh, Liz wasn't here. She ran off with Dally to find some dumb house. "Madeline I know you're in here now let's talk," Two-bit said. "No, Two-bit. I don't want to," I said feeling tears well in my eyes. "No. Let me in and unlock the door," he said. I locked their door and until Liz got back so I could talk to her I wasn't letting anyone in, and I didn't care if it belonged to anyone else. There's a thousand other places they can go to anyways.
I saw them from the peephole, all seven of them sitting on the porch. I wish Stefan and Damon were here, but they were never invited in by the owner. Haha, there's one place they can't come into. I waited around for Liz. Ugh, now Two-bit thinks I'm some psycho weird person. Why was life so hard all of a sudden?
Elizabeth's pov:
We walked up some steps to an unfamiliar house that could have been mine. "So this is it" dally said with a half smile. I nodded and knocked on the door. An older version of Ally answered. I knew it was her and she knew it was me. We didnt need words we just hugged and she invited me inside. "Hey ally I've missed you so much!" I said. She was crying tears of joy and I wanted to cry but I couldn't let anyone especially dally see me cry. "Come on I am going to get everyone to come out onto the patio in the back yard." I nodding smiling. I couldn't wait to see everyone. I saw my mother first. She was so happy. I always imagined this moment but I never thought it could go this well. Then I saw the twins Mandy and david they recognized me luckily and hugged me. The other twins were so young when I left they are twelve now. So they barely recognized me. And what broke my heart was that Chloe is six years old and I missed her whole life minus one month. She had no idea who I was. She has only heard stories about her older sister. Luckily for me she still liked me. "Mom, everyone I'm so sorry I left and ill always regret it, but all that time I was able to imagine this moment, and I could have never thought you guys would be as happy to see me as I am to see you!" I said. I made my mom start to cry a bit. Me and dally stayed there for hours, but finally it was time to leave. "Wait Elizabeth, do you want to live with us?" Asked my mom as I was about to walk out. "Of course, ill get all my stuff together and ill be back here tomorrow!" I said with the biggest smile I've had since I was ten. "Wow you actually seem happy." Dally said. "I guess I am" I replied with a smile. I didn't want to be mad anymore. I just wanted a family. Me and dally talked all the way back to the Curtis house. When we walked closer we noticed everyone sitting outside. I had been gone all day and now it was almost 11:30 at night. "What the heck are you guys doing out here?" Me and dally both said. "That stupid blonde airhead locked us out until you got home!" Steve said very annoyed. "So you guys have been sitting outside all day while she was in your house?" I asked started to laugh. "Yes actually" Darry said very annoyed. That's it I had to laugh I don't care what my reputation is. I was laughing hysterically and so was dally.
Madeline's pov:
Finally, Elizabeth was back! I heard Steve call me an airhead, which only got me angrier. I got myself stuck in a closet. I thought it was the back door, but all of their junk piled onto me and I got lost and dropped the key to the closet (it had a lock to it and the key was under the bowl, so obvious to find). I heard the door kick open. "Stupid vampire where are you?!" She yelled. "In the closet I got stuck in it!" I yelled. She kicked down the door. "Okay what do you want?" She asked. "Okay so I asked Two-bit who he liked and he said Marilyn Monroe. So obviously he has no interest in me because I'm not like at her all!" I said that a little too loud because Two-bit came walking through. "Two-bit what would you like?" I asked nicely. "Why do you need Elizabeth?" He asked. "Because I can't talk to anyone else," I said. "I know your talking about me, now Liz since she won't tell me, what's going on?" He asked. He didnt seem annoyed and didn't question why I locked all of them out.
Elizabeth's pov:
Madeline is such an idiot sometimes. "Why don't you people understand? Don't call me Liz". I said I wasn't even mad anymore it was just plain annoying. "Whatever, but please answer my question." Two-bit said. "Why should I tell you?" I ask. "Because I know it's about me" he said. "And?" I asked. He just looked annoyed an went on begging madeline to tell him. "Fine, since this is the only way to get you BOTH, to shut up; Two bit do you have a crush on madeline?" He looked startled by my question. "Uh..." Is all he said before hugging madeline because he knew she felt the same way. "What makes you think she likes you?" I asked with a mean smile. He grew pale and quickly let go. I think he said sorry but I cut him off and said "haha just kidding...I'm so mean" I said smirking.
Madeline's pov:
Two-bit hugged me. Two-bit hugged me. Two-bit hugged me. Did that really just happen? Yes it did! Thank you so much Liz!!! I had to hide my excitement though, it would be awkward if I started to do my victory dance in front of him.
Liz left the closet and went into the kitchen. Me and Two-bit just stood there in silence. "Soooo," I said looking at my feet. I think he didnt want to talk and just wanted to leave the room, but stayed only because I wasn't moving. "You-you like me?" He asked. "Yes, okay? I like you. Now you know who I like so go and tell all your friends how happy you are that you accomplished it," I said and started walking out of the closet, but then he stopped me, squeezing my wrist a little tight. "Let go ow!" I said loudly. "Sorry. I like you too, don't be mad," he said. "Wait. Then how come you never joked around with me all of yesterday?" I asked. "Because I was nervous until I found out how you were," he answered quickly. Suddenly, we heard a knock on the front door. "Who could that be? No one knocks on the door," Two-bit said letting go of my wrist and walking into the living room.
I went and saw Stefan and Damon. They were invited in, ugh. "Mad we need to talk," Damon said. "Why?" I asked. "Something in Mystic Falls has happened. She had blood in her system and turned," Stefan said. Then realized all ears were on him. "What?" Ponyboy asked. "She's a vampire," Liz announced. "Shut up Liz!" I yelled. Uh oh, I think Liz is mad at me for telling her to shut up. "Pfff that's not true," Steve said. Stefan went fast over to him. "Watch it buddy," he said. "Guys stop! I'm not going back to Mystic Falls!" I shouted. "Why not? The sheriff can't bust us she's dead," Damon said. "No!" I yelled.
"Mad don't be inviting yourself to someone's house," Stefan said. "She's not we're letting her. I was the one to ask if she wanted to stay," Sodapop lied. I mouthed "thank you" to him and he said "welcome". "Fine. But don't expect us to come back, and don't expect to be aloud to come back into the house. You know, Bonnie is still around," Damon said and the two left. I was in shock. They... They were leaving me? My own brothers, were leaving me?
Two-bit pulled me into a hug and I cried into his shoulder. "Why are you being so nice to me if you know about me?" I asked. "Because I know you wouldn't hurt any of us," he said. "Well thats not true, she tried to compel mE but I put her in a choke hold and threatened her if she it again" liz said with a sarcastic smile. I smiled and cried more. What would the others say?
I let go of Two-bit. "I promise I won't hurt any of you. You have my word," I said. "Alright. Take one bite and your outta here," Darry said. "Thank you," I said and hugged him and he hugged me back. I turned to see a kind of annoyed Two-bit looking at the ground.
"Don't be jealous," I said kissing his cheek and walking into the kitchen. I heard a bunch of "oohs" and stuff like that. "Shut it," I heard two-bit say. "Why don't ya kiss her back man?" Soda said. "Go kiss Ally," Two-bit said back and walked into the kitchen. "Sorr-" but before I could finish saying sorry for putting him in that situation he kissed me.

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