Chapter 4. What is his plan?

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No one POV.

The day after the meeting between the Silver Shroud and the Avengers was chaos pure. It was all over the news, it was on the newspapers, it was on youtube and other social network platforms. What you may ask, well in the morning after the meeting a video was published on YouTube nobody knows who uploaded it but the video showed the entire meeting to the point were Captain Marvel beets up All Might for his supidity for nearly causing a nuclear catastrophe. The news and and newspapers call this incident, the Symbol of Peace nearly killed all of Tokyo, many people were angry at All Might for this incident some even went that far to call him a attention seeking whore. All Might had to give a interview and had to make a public apology, to say the least he didn't liked it, why, well he saw himself in the right for trying to capture a dangerous "villian" even so the people began refering to the Silver Shroud as the real symbol of peace. Well anyways as if that incident with All Might wasn't enough anyone in Japan now knew that there is a villian with a enough nuclear power to cause the total destruction of Tokyo and probably Japan. 

News Lady :,,Now our questions are who is the Mechanist? What does he want? Why is he doing this? Is the Silver Shroud together with the Avengers strong enough to stop this maniac? What is his plan?"

Fury turned off the TV and turned towards the other Avengers in the room who all had their heads in their hands.

Fury :,,Japan just gets better and better."

Tony :,,I know right."

Natasha :,,Who made this video I thought we cleared the area?"

Vision :,,That is a good question the only possible way is that it was someone from us or SHIELD."

Bruce :,,But what if....."

Steve :,,Bruce?"

Bruce :,,What if it was the Silver Shroud himself who made the video?"

Natasha :,,Why should he do that I mean he literally ould have warned the villian that heroes are after him."

Fury :,,Banner has a point though, nobody even we in SHIELD knew nothing about the Mechanist we didn't even knew he existed, meaning that the Mechanist tried to keep his existence a secret so he could work in peace but now everyone knows about him, Japan's heroes are after him we are after him and the Silver Shroud is after him."

Carol :,,Meaning he has to be more careful now especially when he needs material so he has to slow down as long as his robot isn't field ready."

Fury :,,If the Silver Shroud really made this video to slow the Mechanist down then it could be that the Mechanist is close to finish his project and with that video he just bought us a few more days or weeks."

??? :,,It wasn't to buy time."

Everyone turned around to see.......

Tony :,,What the hell are you doing here!?"

Natasha :,,How did you get in?"

Fury :,,It's been a while Punisher."

Castel :,,It has been Fury."

Fury :,,Why are you here?"

Castel :,,A friend of ours asked me for help in the fight against the Mechanist."

Steve :,,Why am I not suprised that you two know each other."

Castel walked towards Fury and gave him a letter.

Castel :,,The kid and I met a few years ago we worked together in the past and I also teached him some of my tricks."

Tony :,,Kid?"

Castel :,,You will be suprised the Silver Shroud is much younger then you may think."

Fury opened the letter and inside was a map, with red crosses on random locations, there also was a piece of paper with something written on it.


I am very sorry that I couldn't come myself but I had business what I had to attend to so I hope you don't mind that I have to send you a letter. Anyways as you probably already saw I asked another friend of mine for help, I worked with the Punisher in the past and we both know how efficent he is so I hope you don't mind.

With honerabale regards,

Silver Shroud.


Tony :,,Did he never hear something about a e-mail."

Natasha :,,He is old fashined in every way, I mean he uses a fucking Tommy gun."

Castel :,,Anyways, I think we have work to do he is already out there taking down this base."

Castel pointed at a red cross that was near Kyoto.

Steve :,,Alone?"

Castel :,,Yeah he isn't much of a team worker, he is used to work with me but when he can he solves his problems alone."

Fury :,,Before you said something about it wasn't to buy time what do you mean?"

Castel :,,Shroud made the video yes but he didn't do it to buy time."

Bruce :,,For what then?"

Castel :,,Shroud always tries to catch two flies in the price of one, think for a moment who is suffering the most backdraw thanks to the video."

Carol :,,All Might."

Castel :,,Shroud was never a friend of All Might or any japanese hero, since he started his work and became Silver Shroud he tries to rebuild or reform the japanese hero society I don't know why but it's probably personal business."

Fury :,,You seem to know alot about him ind answering some of our questions?"

Castel :,,Only one, I don't want him to shoot me in the knee."

Everyone in the room gulped even Fury, all of them were thinking what kind of question they could ask after a while Bruce stood up and asked.

Bruce :,,What is his quirk, he simply disappeared in thin air is it teleportation or a enchanting quirk since the video from the Boston massacre we saw that he is stronger then most normal people he also seems to have no limit when it comes to endurance, he also seems to know were his enemy is making it impossible to ambush him?"

Castel :,,You know you could have just asked what is his quirk you didn't needed to list all those things up."

Bruce :,,..........What is his quirk?"

Castel :,,He is quirkless but he has his own version of the super soldier serum."

Everyone :,,WHAT!?"

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