Chapter 17. A Date with a unexpected ending

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No one POV.

Izuku Midoriya was a very busy man, besides the fact that he was the Anti-Hero Silver Shroud and the leader of the Unstoppables. He also had a international company that he needed to take care of and his newest invention the grappling hook gauntlet and the new and improved prostehtics limbs were a big hit on the market. Right now we can see him sitting in his office in his HQ-Building in Tokyo having a meeting with his investors as they go over the numbers of the last quarter.

Office worker :,,And as you can see our the worth of our shares has gone  up by 25%, this is the biggest rise since 10 years. I dare say that this quarter has been the most successful one we had since the death of Mr. Hisashi Midoriya."

Investor 1 :,,If this continues through the rest of the year then this might be aswell the most successful year since the founding of Midoriya Industries."

Department Manager :,,This new gauntlet definitely catapulted our success up."

Investor 2 :,,Not necessarily the other products are still bought in large numbers even so they aren't the newest. I think the high quality of the products are the reason for that."

Investor 1 :,,That could be, I mean the capture scarf is still a big hit by underground heroes aswell as the night vision goggles and they have been on the market for 3 years now."

Izuku :,,Well I dare say that our newest products will be a big hit aswell but we can't rest on our achievements for to long."

Department Manager :,,Yes of course Sir but we can give our workers some time to rest before starting the next project."

Investor 2 :,,Well Mr. Midoriya here has a point, there are alot of tech industries that would love to take over."

Investor 1 :,,Yeah but I think we can rest a little bit for the next quarter atleast."

Investor 2 :,,Yeah well, I still have 3 meetings today so I will take my leave."

Investor 1 :,,I will do the same, it was nice seeing you again Mr. Midoriya."

Izuku :,,I can say the same, well then until in three months then everybody."

Everyone left the meeting room/ the office of Izuku until it was only him and Jarvey.

Jarvey :,,Sir it's 2 p.m and youre Date with Miss Stark is at 4 p.m."

Izuku :,,I know Jarvey..... come on let's finish up here before I have to get her."

Jarvey :,,Of course Sir."


??? POV.

I managed to get away from the bad man and was running through some dark dirty streets. I have stepped into some sharp glass sharps and they hurt. But I can't stop now I have to get away, I know he is following me so I have to be quick. I ran through a dark street as Icould hear him behind me.

??? :,,Come on Eri you know what happens when you run."

I was afraid I knew what happens when he catches me and so I keep running even so my feet hurt and then I fell. But I got up again and just continued to run, until I could see a light at the end of this dirty dark way. I ran towards it and then I ran into something or someone, I fell on my butt and my eyes were closed until I heard a gentle voice ask.

??? :,,Hey are you ok?"

I looked up and saw a women with pink hair and yellow eyes that had weird circles and crosses inside. Then I felt a pull in my chest and I hugged the women tightly and whispered into her ear.

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