Chapter 11. The Boston mafia massacre

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Time for a little of a backstory.

No one POV.

Izuku :,,Goodnight Jarvey."

Jarvey :,,Not going on patrol tonight Sir?"

Izuku :,,Punisher and Nagant have me covered."

Jarvey :,,Well then goodnight Sir."

Izuku :,,Goodnight Jarvey and don't work for to long."

Jarvey :,,I could say the same to you Sir."

Izuku went to his room and layed down on his bed, he closed his eyes and sleep took him over very fast. 

In the dream:

Izuku opened his eyes to the sound of shooting and screaming, he was in his Silver Shroud costume his silver smg in his hands. His back was against a wall as bullets hit the other side of the wall or flew over his head. He looked to his left and saw the Punisher, then he heard a familiar scream to his right and as he looked to his right he saw  a woman in a green suit with a white fur scarf around her neck pinned to her schoulder with a red orb and a P99 in her hand. This was the Mistress of Mystery, real name Rachel Redwing and she was bleeding.

Silver Shroud :,,Rachel!"

Mistress :,,Oh fuck, right through my shoulder."

Punisher :,,Shit, those guys are coming closer we need to move!"

Silver Shroud :,,How many are there!?!"

Punisher :,,Atleast 200 looks like we pissed them off enough to form a alliance against us!"

Mistress :,,Well fuck, any ideas you two?"

Silver Shroud :,,Aren't you the one with the plan normally?"

Mistress :,,Haha very funny."

The shooting stoped and the three anti-heroes looked at each other.

??? :,,Silver Shroud come out and you can die with some dignity!"

Silver Shroud :,,Oh I give you dignity!"

Izuku cocked his smg before standing up and opening fire at his enemy, the startled enemy thought he was out of ammunation. But not only that also two other feared anti-heroes were there to back him up. The barrel of Shrouds weapon began to glow red because of how long he shot without pause, thugs were falling screaming in pain or making dying noises as they were met with the barrage of the Silver Shroud. Punisher shot his shotgun empty and the Mistress of Mystery shot with her pistol. 

Mistress :,,Reloading."

She said before going down behind the cover as she realoaded her gun putting in a new magazin, then she came back up and continued to fire.

Silver Shroud :,,Reloading."

Punisher :,,Got you covered."

SIlver Shroud went down behind the cover reloading his gun while also letting it cool down a little bit. Then he went up again opening fire, while the Punisher went down to reload. This went on for a minute until the Silver Shroud stoped shooting as his gun malfunctioned because of how hot the barrel became.

Silver Shroud :,,Fuck!"

Silver Shroud went down behind the cover as he looked what was infront of him, he saw atleast 50 dead bodies and around 30 wounded. The Mistress also went down behind the cover as she looked at her shoulder, the wound was still bleeding.

Silver Shroud :,,We need to get you out of here."

Mistress :,,No joke, that motherfucker got me good."

Silver Shroud was about to say something but then a grenade came flying over the cover. Silver Shroud covered the Mistress while the Punisher covered himself as the grenade went off. The Silver Shroud could held his hat down while shrapnel bounced of his suit, as it was over the Silver Shroud looked at the Mistress and she was kind of fine pale but alive, he then looked over to his SMG to see that it was completely destroyed. The Punisher got up from his covered position and pulled out his shotgun before going up screaming while shooting at the enemy. Seeing that his SMG was destroyed, Shroud pulled out his single action revolver he got up aimed and fanning shoot, 6 bullets in under 20 seconds hitting 6 guys in the head before he went down to reload his gun.

Mistress :,,Why are you using that thing it takes forever to reload?"

Silver Shroud :,,Says the one who brought only brought a fucking pistol!"

He finished reloading his gun as a thug came around the cover aiming his pistol at the Shroud, the Mistress jumped in the way as the thug shot three bullets 2 hitting her in the chest and the third one grazed her neck. She fell to the floor as, Shroud pulled up his pistol and shot one bullet killing the enemy with one clean headshot. Everything was silent for the Shroud, Punisher screamed at him he didn't care. He kneeled besides the Mistress as she coughed up blood, she then slowly lifted her hand as she layed her bloody hand on his cheek he lips moved she couldn't speak but Shroud knew what she was trying to say.

"I love you."

She closed her lips as she had a soft smile on her face, then her eyes went blank and her hand that was on his cheek fell to the ground as her last breath escaped her mouth and her body went limp. The Silver Shroud just kneeled there still processing what just happened as he looked at her dead face before layed his hand on her cheek.

Punisher :,,.....oud......roud......SHROUD!!!"

The Silver Shroud snapped out of his trance as anger started to build up inside him, he grabbed the pistol of the Mistress before he jumped over the cover. The Punisher screamed after him but he ignored him as he emptied his revolver and then threw it to the side before he began shooting with the pistol. He saw someone trying to charge at him from the side but he pulled out a throwing knife, he threw it and hit the charging thug in the eye causing the thug to fall to the ground screaming in pain. Shroud shot the magazin of the pistol empty and threw it to the side, he then pulled out his bowie knife and his shock baton before charging at a group of enemys. He could feel how bullets bounced against his suit and how some hit his legs. But he didn't cared he kicked a enemy, he sliced at another and shocked another one. This continued for a while blood splashed through the air, arms, fingers even legs and some heads were flying around. The rage of the Silver Shroud was unstoppable. Then someone grabbed his shoulder and turned him around as he came face to face with the Punisher, who punched the Silver Shroud in the face knocking him out.

dream end.

Izuku woke up, sweating and panting hard he sat up and just sat there in his bed for a few moments. He had the same dream now two weeks in a row, he didn't know why his memories were torturing with this dream, it has been 1 year since the massacre but he couldn't get it out of his head and he don't know if it is about the dead of the Mistress or if it is about those 150 mafia members he killed that night either way he did it and there is no denying it. He took a deep breath in and then out before he then leaned over to the shelf besides his bed took his phone from the shelf and looked at the time, it was 6 am he sighed before he fell back on his bed.

Izuku :,,I have to do the honouring today at the sports festival."

He stared at the ceiling.

Izuku :,,I don't want to!"

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