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♥︎ 𝘘 ➢ ⎋ liked by harrystyles and 4,566,104 othersbillieeilish: 🙄

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♥︎ 𝘘 ➢
⎋ liked by harrystyles and 4,566,104 others
billieeilish: 🙄

stephanie: i can't get over how cute you look with the blonde hair

user4: flop era

quenblackwell: HOT

user0: HELP

august: your hair looks so soft

kai: run me over daddy

antisocialeilish: you're fine asf

user8: adam if you're reading this please unblock me I miss you

gabriellewinters: come over, I wanna cuddle
  ↳billieeilish: omw pretty baby


♥︎ 𝘘 ➢ ⎋ liked by billieeilish and 356,298 othersaugust: unpredictable

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♥︎ 𝘘 ➢
⎋ liked by billieeilish and 356,298 others
august: unpredictable

kai: photo creds whore
august: no

user5: booty so BIG lord have mercy

gabriellewinters: DAMN

vinniehacker: 👀

user5: why did I think your tote said 'cum' lol

harrystyles: ass
august: all yours daddy

claudiasulewski: where are those pants from? I'm obsessed
  august: *link*

antisocialeilish: even your back profile is hot 😩

lil fruit cup

how's the shoot going?

there's a bunch of other girls here but I'm not vibing
they're all skinny and pretty
and then theres me who stands out amongst them all

tf you talking bout
you're so pretty

anyways I'm going to see harry later
he always knows how to cheer me up

oh is he the one you hooked up with?

no and I ain't gonna sleep with someone else if that's what you're wondering

what do you mean?

I mean I know we only make out with each other
but I'd find it disrespectful if I was you and i were sleeping with other people

I'm not either
sleeping with anyone else I mean
it's not like I have time LMAO

oh so if you had the time you would?
good to know



listen to me VERY carefully
I do not want anyone else but you

I gotta go
I'll text you later

august finished up at the shoot and by the end of the day she was exhausted.

she'd barely eaten the past four days after eating taco bell with billie.

she just wanted a night to feel normal.

she couldn't remember the last time she felt normal, the last time she didn't spend all her time thinking about food and her body and being skinny.

living with her brain was exhausting.

she pulled up outside of harry's house and grabbed her tote and walking up to his door, not even knocking before walking in.

he knew she was coming over anyways.

she slipped her shoes off and walked straight into the kitchen, pouting herself a glass of water and finding harry laying in the front room, reading a book.

"hi darling" harry puts his book down and removes his glasses opening his arms so august can lie on top of him.

she does so without question, letting her head rest on his chest.

"I'm so fucking exhausted" august sighs, closing her eyes at the sound of his heartbeat beside her ear.

harry ran his fingers through her hair and let his free hand rest on her lower back, rubbing soothing circles.

"take a nap love, I'll be here when you wake up and I'll make us some dinner"

"I don't wanna eat" she whispers, shaking her head a little.

she was already drifting off to sleep.

she loved the comforting smell of her best friend, the way he cared so much and was so gentle with her.

they had a bond no-one could break.

"I know, I'll cook you something small, okay? get some sleep" he kissed the top of her forehead and picked up his book again, letting her sleep ontop of him.

no-one really understood their relationship.

but that didn't matter.

harry was the only one she truly showed her feeling too.

he was the only one she opened up to about her relationship with food, the trauma from her parents and how much she truly hated her job.

hated living.

harry knew about her blossoming relationship with billie, especially because they never hid anything from each other.

all harry wanted was for august to be happy and he hopes billie can be a source of happiness, no matter the outcome.

she deserves to be happy.

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