Chapter 1

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Credit to the artist: Liprikon, from Deviant Art

Ok story time------

I gazed into the sky the moon reflecting into my eyes, crisp air filled my lungs. I closed my eyes wishing that this moment would last forever... It didn't. A loud bang echoed through the neighborhood, I jumped practically falling off of the roof, but I didn't want to die just yet. I soon scrambled down the roof from the makeshift ladder of vines that took over a side of the house. 

The door slammed in a loud clash of the metal door hitting the metal siding. I quickly cover my ears for a second wincing at the loud ringing in my ears. I covered them until I felt something rough grab at my auburn hair dragging me inside. I let out whimpers as pain shot through my body begging the man that was blocking my vision as he pulled me roughly inside to stop. The door slammed shut behind us as my 'father' (If you could even call him that) threw me down onto the floor. 

My tongue slid between my teeth as I chomped down onto it. The metallic taste of blood flooded through my mouth. I spit some of it out once it felt like it was going to choke me. I regretted it all at once when my father's hands sped across my neck as he hissed at me, "YOU DARE ATTEMPT TO SPIT ON ME YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!!!!" All I know is that I was suddenly across the room and my whole body screamed in pain. As my father stomped up to me, my hands fly to protect my face.  He raised his fists to hit me.....

 I jolted out of my bed screams exiting my mouth for a moment, body covered in sweat. I realized that I fell asleep, dreading the fact that i fell asleep. 

Then it happened, my breaths became uneasy and shallow. The ringing in my ears picked up. My hands drew up to try and block out the loud noise. Yeah the ringing never stopped since that day, the day that the door slammed against the metal siding. I felt hot tears stream down my cheeks, quickly wiping them away, accompanied by a fading fake smile. 

There was a knock on my door as I opened it up mumbling a good morning to whoever was awake at 4 O'clock in the morning looking down expecting to see a camper. when I saw a pair of legs I quickly looked up to see him. my heart skipped a beat when we made eye contact.

 The whispers that I hear began to hiss, he will never love you. just like all those other people you dated back in high school, he'll leave you once he has the chance. Just like at the others. He'll never love you. The voices seemed to like that fact seeing that it does some more mental damage to me. 

"Uh Hi? You ok?" A clear beautiful voice rang out through the voices. I looked up at the crystal blue eyes that the man had and nodded gently before motioning for him to step inside, a grin that I usually bore seemed to find itself on my face in an second. He stepped inside exploring my room politely as I shut the door. His eyes landed onto the bottle of pills that I had on my bedside table. they had a label that said in big words, suppress the depress.

I quickly maneuver around him and slid the pill bottle into my desk drawer and said, "So sir! What can I possible help you with?" I wore the smile my smile that makes it seem like I was ok that everything was ok with me. 

"Well..." He started....

Dun Dun Dun, cliffhanger? I think.... anyway that was my first chapter of Painful Smiles hope you enjoyed it thus far and please do not leave rude comments this is the first time that I showed my writing and I don't really feel comfortable or might stop writing all together so the people that do enjoy my writing (if there is any) wont get any more of it so please don't be rude. (BTW 705 words)

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