Chapter 18

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Heyyyyy how is everyone?
I'm sorry for the very late chapter who ever actually reads this must be on the edge of your seat sorry! I had exams and then I broke my phone so that was fun.

"Come on!" Daniel shouted, "Open up David! I know you are in there! Are you okay?" Daniel's breath quickened as he banged on the door, no response. He heard David scream from his room earlier and was absolutely terrified. David hasn't had a nightmare since Daniel came to camp. Daniel doesn't know what David may do but he can't help but feel this unsettling weight in his stomach.

After 15 minutes of calling for David, Daniel decided he should go into David's room through the window. After Daniel managed to open the window, he quickly scrambled inside. He quickly scanned the room noticing everything was there except for David and... his bedside protection knife. 'Fuck, oh no' is all that filled Daniels head. He opened the bathroom door, hoping David was in there. Daniel's stomach got queasy at the sight, yet he still couldn't hold back the scream that clawed up his throat.

Tears fell down his face and onto the blood stained floor as he stumbled towards the bloodied David. Muttering incoherent words as he cradled the latter in his arms, the blood was warm yet David's skin was cold. Gwen burst through the door and into David's room to see a hysterical Daniel holding a bloody, possibly dead, David. She quickly pulled her phone out, calling the ambulance and trying to calm Daniel down.

Gwen thought it was for the best if Daniel didn't hold David, because it seems David is only causing more panic to arise in Daniel. When Gwen stepped forward and tried to get Daniel away from David his grip only tightened, "NO!" He shouted at Gwen, "NO! DONT MAKE ME LEAVE HIM...I don't want to leave him alone... he needs me... I need him!!" His tears now starting to slow down due to him running out of water.

Max woke up, annoyed as always, only to hear sirens heading towards the camp, 'What the fuck is happening?' He thought completely oblivious to the events that just took place. As Max trotted outside he noticed everyone in pandemonium and tears. "What the hell is happening? You all are acting as if someone died who isn't Nikki."

Niel quickly ran over to Max and beckoned him back to their tent. Max begrudgingly obliged and Neil took Max's hand leading him into their tend and onto Neil's cot. Neil quickly placed his head in Max's chest and started to cry. "I-its david" He managed to choke out between sobs. Max rubbed the back of Neil. "What? What happened?" "David... david..David... kill... self...." Neil said quietly drifting off to sleep because of Max's comfort rubs.

Tears fell out of Max's eyes when he understood what Neil said. He didn't dare move because of where Neil was, asleep on him. In fact, max snuggled up to Neil, needing the comfort of a friend, taking in his calming scent drifting off to sleep, the sirens now fading in the distance.

Sorry!! Bye

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