chapter 9

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Hehe beautiful art, but time to update!!!

Our faces were half an inch away from each other, when suddenly the door swung open with a loud BANG! I quickly scrambled off of him, face radiating red, and turned my attention towards the intruder. Max stood there (I know it is always max, but why not right?) "WHAT THE FUCK!!" He yelled. Gwen rushed to his side, "what is wrong Max? Did something happen?" She looked panicked as she quickly looked around my room. I knew that the knives were visible, as I quickly tried to hide the three that scattered the floor. Gwen ran to me and started to wipe off the tears that stained my face. I forced a smile on my face, it was obviously fake, yet I just needed to seem ok. "Are you ok david?" She asked, knowing I was not ok. "Of course he is, I see them just about to make out, Gwen... like what the fuck was that?" Max complained, Daniel seemed like he wanted to say something, yet couldn't because Gwen and Max started bickering about god knows what. I opened my mouth, and began to say my thoughts, "Shut the fuck up both of you and stop with your fucking annoying bitching. Daniel is trying to say something so let him fucking speak. Go ahead Daniel..." Daniel gave me a 'thank you're gaze and i nodded, "Ok, now, as I was going to say..." Daniel spoke, his calming voice washing over me. "David is having a really hard time, hearing the things he is hearing, and, we were not going to make out, or kiss..." my heart shattered then and there.

"I don't know him that well, but he seems like a good person, while all of you are pushing him into the depths of depression.. he has to take depression pills for God's sake, and they dont even work that well." It went completely silent, you could hear my uneven breathing. "David I'm so-" Gwen started before I snapped, cutting her off. "You're what Gwen? Sorry? You're sorry,  for watching me put my life on the line? For pushing me away? For never noticing how skinny i am? For never noticing how fake my smile is? For never noticing the things on my wrist?" "David I-" "No, Gwen. Max was right... I am the reason this camp is a nightmare." Tear ran down my face, again. Gwen and Max had a guilty look on their faces, Daniel had a concerned look plastered on his. I started to break down, when Daniel's arms wrapped around me. I melted into them, sobbing. He combed his hand through my hair, calming me to sleep.

Ohhh angst... sorry I never really update that much... everything is a bit stressful right now... hopefully I will be able to update more and more often.
Anyway bye bye peeps!!
484 words

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