chapter 8

116 4 2

Sorry I wont have a timed posting for this😅😅
I swirled around in alarm, only to be met with familiar, relatable, beautiful blue eyes. "D-Daniel!" I yelped, shocked and confused as to why he is here. "W-Why are you here?" I asked. "Oh, Gwen, she insisted I checked up on you..." There was a long awkward silence, I was about to yell 'bye!' And run before, "You hear voices?" Daniel asked. 'Damnit, I can't escape...' I thought before shamefully admitting, "yeah... yeah I do..." my vision found interest on the floor, not able to look at the man infront of me. "W... What do they say?" He asked, nervousness playing on his lips, those pink, gentle, lush, kissable lips... 'MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER DAVID! YOU FUCKING FAILURE!!!' I mentally screamed at myself. "I, it's hard to tell you all of what they say,since it's so much." Stammering, I sat on the bed, motioning for Daniel to do the same, which he did. "Can you tell me some of what they say?" Tears weld in my eyes, 'Damnit, I'm not fucking weak, stop crying.' "They, they say that I-I'm  useless, a mistake,pathetic, stupid, and a whole bunch of other mean things...." I trailed off, hating my voice for sounding weak. I squeezed my eyes shut, it was getting hard to breathe. My pills wore off as the voices flooded into my mind, I was having a panic attack, again. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me, I melted into Daniel's touch, trying to breathe. Still having trouble breathing, Daniel told me to slowly countdown from ten with him, as I did, it became easier and easier to breathe. When we reached one, the voices were, somehow, completely silent, and I was breathing normally. I looked up and studied his eyes. Both of us started to lean into each other, our breaths mingling with one anothers. I mentally screamed, not believing this is happening.

Alrighty bye bye peeps!!
338 words!!

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