Chapter 2

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 I couldn't find who drew this I'm sorry to whom ever drew this I can't give you credit because I can't find you T^T sorry.

story time--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

He handed me a paper seeming to not want to explain it to me. I glanced at the paper and saw that Gwen must have put out a flyer asking for people to help with camp and become a camp counselor. I frowned slightly, she doesn't trust you to do it by yourself. Weakling, weakling, weakling. The voices in my head stated. My face quickly went back into the painful smile that I bore 24/7, "So what type of experience do you have with taking care of children?" 

After the interview

"Well looks like you have everything that we need to qualify, so welcome to the team of two counselors now three with you!" I said in my sickeningly sweet, happy voice. The handsome- I mean cool man! who I learned was named Daniel, smiled at me gently and said, "Thank you!!!" Gratitude flashing through his eyes... I felt my face heat up.

"So we don't have a extra bed out right now, but if you want you can sleep on my bed?" I asked him nervously he nodded as I noticed a slight hint of red to his cheeks. I had a desire to hear it from that voice I found so attracting, though I didn't say anything about it. He quickly looked nervous and asked, "uh sorry to ask this, but do you have any sleepwear?" I nodded quickly as I handed him one of my shirts and such that was too big on me and said, "I'll be outside if you need me then. knock once your done." He turned slightly red and agreed before I slipped out the door. 

Once the door was closed behind me, the smile disappeared from my face as I slid down the wall and pulled my knees up to my chest. I gazed up at the sky hoping that the moment that carved itself in my mind was there again, but unfortunately it was summer so the air wasn't as cool nor was it refreshing because of the campers trying to anger me. When I finally found the moon it wasn't shining brightly but was dull and slivered, showing a soon to be new moon.

I felt tears try and invade my face but I wiped them away before they could fall. The ringing in my ears picked up and I covered my ears trying to get rid of that painful sound. Of course it never helped as usual. The whispers picked up being carried to my ears by the ringing. I never heard the knock that signaled Daniel was finished changing. The door opened Daniel exited looking around for me, but I never saw him. My vision was clouded and blurred because of the tears that invaded my eyes and fell down despite me not wanting them to. Daniel seemed to notice me because I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. All the noise quieted down once that happened. I slowly removed my hands and look at him. 

Tears have stained my cheeks and my hands hurt from pressing them against my ears too hard. I noticed that the shirt was too small on him and showed all his curves and creases on his torso, I felt my face heat up before my brain reminded me that we just met. 

I slipped out of his grip and apologized profusely to him for making him come out here and comforting me even though I was ok.  His bleach blonde hair fell in front of his face as the wind blew, he insisted that it was fine and his blue eyes made me melt inside as they made contact with my eyes. I sighed, "I guess now would be a good time to actually head back inside, don't want you catching a cold and such while we are outside." My brain seemed to scream, 'Its a summer night, its warm outside! Why did you say that? Whatever at least he isn't trying to cure the incurable ringing and panic attacks now right?'

We walked into the room and I let him have the bed. I curled up on the floor not planning on sleeping because of the nightmares. "I feel guilty that I am sleeping up here on the bed while you sleep on the floor..." Daniel said quietly, "Do you want to sleep with me up on the bed?" I knew that I might actually fall asleep and have nightmares if I'm on my bed, but I didn't want to be rude to Daniel. I mean he is just so handsome, and kind, and perfect... I'm rambling.... I eventually agreed and we both got comfortable on the bed together, I felt my eyelids grow heavy as Daniel's breathing evened out onto my back, his hands around my waist. 

I drifted off to sleep and had no nightmares that night.

Second chapter and its only 2 days after the first one was published?

Well anyway, guy, gals, and non-binary pals have a wonderful day/night!!

Oh by the way 866 words

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