13th Chapter

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Dude, don't you think you're swimming upstream? – asked me Frank.

- Frank, my friend, if I wasn't absolutely sure of innocence from John and dahlia, I would've given up. Don't. Something tells me they didn't do it. The problem is to prove.

- I'll help you in what you have to, but I have something in my hands that you better stay out of it. Sad said, pointing to a few leaves in your hands. Soon deduced what they used to be.

- Are the warrant against them isn’t it?

- Yes. For the boy a hospitalization in adolescent Offender and to miss a tentative. The teams have been informed and have the determination of the delegate to go to where they are and serve the warrants.

Sadly waved with his head. There wasn't much to do. It was probably the saddest day of my life, comparable to the day he learned of the murder of Eva.

The media did a darn mess, as usual. Fell on how to fly in the trash. Not participated in the detention of children, but asked the Frank they were polite and kind... They wouldn't work anyway so far didn't know what was going on and why you were being accused of the death of their adoptive mother.

The society was divided, many people supported the arrest of them and were very cruel, spoke very bad things about the kids, they were Niggers, ingrates who killed a person who was helping and even to complete one was lame. Sad how the human race can be prejudiced. Just because John was deaf and dumb that it didn't mean that he was a criminal.

Juliana was afraid. Just in case I asked her to avoid any clutter and stay just on the way home-work and work-House. She understood. Trusted me. Trusted my instinct and herself didn't believe in guilt from John and Dahlia.

Needed to find something to prove their innocence.

At the station I heard the local report of violent death was already ready. Went with the Man, the police was acting Registrar in the investigation and asked to take a look.

The report was complete. And great. Had color photos also. And I was appalled at what I saw. Eva in bed, all wet with his own blood. And many perforations. According to Eva report fell victim to 25 stabbings, which settled mainly in the chest and lower a bit. Had one that hit the neck and the carotid artery, probably what made the blood gushing out even more.

There was a lot of mess in the bedroom, apparently she didn't make it and this just reinforces the fact that whoever did this barbarity had her confidence and she probably didn't expect when she was attacked.

The knife was thrown to the ground, next to the bed. It made me upset and with a flea behind the ear. Something didn't fit. The problem was that I couldn't get what it was.

Outside the room there were no blood stains or any other evidence of a crime that had happened in that House. This also caught my attention and caused weirdness... How the boy would do that and I wouldn't wake. I had the impression of having missed something when I was in the room. Needed to return to the House and take another look.

The exam report corroborated a lot. Mainly the amount of perforations to the knife. The doctor was unable to determine what the first was, but there was a different drilling from bottom to top, while the others were more asymmetrical. Probably this out the first lunge, when killer and Eve were standing. She was taken by surprise, that's for sure. And play in bed, being assembled and then attacked several times. That was clear.

What was not clear is that as John was not a drop of blood. Had time to change? And what did you do with the laundry?

The report of knife had not yet arrived. And the murder weapon was not yet at the station. It was the main evidence, of course.

I was with more doubts than before and commented with Chico, before going home. He also had the same impressions. But we didn't have anything else to corroborate our suspicion.

When I came to my house at night, Juliana was seeing me at the door. I was in tears.

- Love, arrested the two. Did you participate in? He asked distressed.

- No. I was at the station. I couldn't bear to make the arrest of the two. Anyway I was studying the reports. There's a lot of stuff that doesn't fit. – And so I explained to her what I suspected.

- If you have something that can help both of you better hurry my love! Geraldo has given interview today saying that justice is being done and that two killers were arrested. Two snakes which were created by his mother. Wow, made me want to go to where he was and to punch him in the face. How can anyone be so cruel?

- I know. What amazes me most is that only Geraldo is acting like this. The rest of the family is quiet. Maybe too quiet.

- And see the smirk on his face was too much. Almost match the remote control on TV.

- Calm my love. If there's any way to prove the innocence of John and dahlia, can rest assured that I will find. I'll try to retrace the last moments of Eva. I'm going to ask the delegate to chat with Dahlia and take some information from the hours prior to the crime. But first let me clarify a doubt on Eva's House. I'm sure I missed something and this became more evident still when I saw the report. I'm going to try and talk to neighbors of the House suddenly saw something.

- I sincerely hope you do. I can't even visualize how the two are feeling trapped. Must be in a lot of pain, especially John. Always been cheerful and should now be withdrawn. And you don't have anyone to talk to.

I calmed down and went to sleep after Juliana. Long night, because I was with a lot of thoughts in my head. Trying to connect the dots. The first piece of the puzzle was in place. Needed to return there. And that's early.

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