younger Casey as a dad

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one day Casey decided he wanted to adopt a girl but he didn't know what age he wanted yet so he figured once he got there. when he got there the place looked like a mess outside and inside he found someone crying so he held the girl and hugged her to see if she will stop crying and after a few minutes she did then Casey said what's your name sweetheart.

my prov    I started to cry because I hate how I got treated when I was younger my grandma was mean and sometimes yelled at me and I hated it and my mother didn't do anything about it so I always cried while getting yelled at when someone came in he saw me crying so he picked me up and hugged and held me I felt loved for once real love from someone besides my friends I had in school when I went to my old school. then he asked me what my name is I told him, Ashley, I asked him what was his he told me, matt Casey, then he asked me a question that will change my life forever he wanted to adopt me, of course, i said yes to him.  A  few days later I was crying again thinking about my past dad heard me crying so he ran to my room and held me like he did when i first met him and I love he will go out of his way for me I feel like I belong with him even though he might be young I said to him I love you, dad, he said back love you too sweetheart. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2021 ⏰

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