house MD

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Once I was in New Jersey and it was Christmas Eve me and my friend was playing outside when I fell on the ground and I said to my friend call 911 so she did when I got to the hospital I was so scared one of the nurses said to me they are going to move me because they didn't know what was wrong with me. After a little, while I was still scared but then a doctor came in but I didn't pay attention but when I did he saw I was scared and he said to me hi I'm doctor chase then he said to me what's your name and I said my name is Ashley then chase said that's a cute name the I said ow then he said what hurts then I said my stomach let me take a look with this it doesn't hurt it just helps me take a look to see what's wrong with you he took a look and he said there's nothing wrong don't worry then he said what's your last name I said chase remember I'm your daughter then he gave me a hug because he was aloud to then my arm stated to hurt so I had to go to surgery but I had a surprise my doctor that did my surgery was my dad a couple of days after I get to go home when I got home I said to my dad thank you for taking care of me he said your welcome I love you I said I love you to dad. then the next day I said to my dad can I go visit my uncle in Chicago he sure but don't get hurt I said I'll try. When I got on the plane I called my uncle Casey when he picked up said guess what I'm coming to see you can you pick me up please he said sure I'll see you in a couple of hours. When I got to the airport I was looking for him when I found him I came running then he picked up me up of the ground then he said come on let's go to the firehouse for everyone can meet you I said ok then he said to me I love you I said I love you too. Then I fell asleep in his truck so he had to carry me out of his truck then he said to everyone this is my niece Ashley but she's sleeping so everyone be quiet or talk quietly Please then  I was in new jersey and my throat was hurting so I called my dad chase and he came running up the stairs and he said what's wrong I told him that my throat was hurting he said ok say ahh please so I did and he said I think you just have a cold then I told him I was dizzy he said just follow my light then I said I don't feel good then chase said what hurts I said my head then he checked it out then he said I don't see anything wrong then my dad said I have a surprise for you then I said what is it then my dad said you will see in a minute then who came in my room was Jesse spencer I was so surprised than he hugged me then me and him just hanged out together that was the best day ever. then the next day after when I woke up I was crying then someone knocked on my door and said you ok sweetie then I knew who it was I said not really dad then when he comes in he comes running to me because I was crying then he just holed me in his arms ten after a while he said what's wrong I just said it's nothing my dad said tell me the truth then I said I had a really bad dream then my dad said do you want me to go get your brother to cheer you up and I said yes please m y brother was matthew casey when he came in my room and picked me up then brought me to his room then he asked what was wrong I just told him I had a nightmare then he said to me do you want to go to the firehouse with me and i said yes please. then we we got to the firehouse casey said to everyone im sure you remember my sister ashley right then they said ya then he asked if I wanted to go to his office with him I said yes of course I do then we got there I was crying again then he asked me what's wrong I just said I don't know then he hugged me so tight then after a while he asked if I wanted to talk to my other brotheraw spencer I said yes so he called him and he said yes I can come over and talk to her about what's ever wrong with her.

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