Chicago fire

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I was in Chicago for school and my teacher said to us we are having a career day at school and I was so excited our teacher gave us jobs my teacher gave me a job and it was a fighter job he said to me go to the station 51 so I went to the station and someone said to me are you lost I said no my teacher sent me her for career day he said ok then took me in he said my name is Matthew by my friends call me Casey what's your name I said my name is Ashley so he took me to his office I know he was the captain because my friend told me he was. Then he said to me he has a surprise for me he gave me my own fighter hat and jacket that said fighter irwin then I met his sister Alli then Casey asked If I wanted to go to Molly's with them I said to him sure I would love to when we go there I didn't feel good then Casey said to me what's wrong I just said to him I just don't feel good then Casey yelled is there a doctor here then someone said yes there is his name is dr Robert chase he looked familiar or something. When he came to me he said Ashley I said hi Robert then Casey said to me you know him I said ya then he asked me where did I know him from I just said he was my doctor once. Then he checked me out then said to us I think you just have a cold I said thank you then I hugged him. Then some FBI agents came in one of them looked at me then I looked at him then I ran to him saying Spencer then we hugged then I brought him over to Casey then I said Spencer Casey, Casey Spencer

Then I told him he is my cousin from Virginia. When we got to Casey's home I saw chase in the house he said hi to me so I said hi back then I said to Casey why is he in the house then he said because he lives here to then we all watched a movie called uptown girls then someone scared me so hard I screamed so loud then I said who scared me then chase said I did I'll get you back.

When I went to bed I was crying I don't know why but Casey heard me then he come in and said are you ok I said not really then he said to me do you want to talk to chase I said yes please he brought me to chase then chase said come in hey chase could you talk to her In a sweet voice he said why because I heard her crying then chase said to me come here I'll take care of you Then he hugged me don't worry than he said does anything hurt the I whispered just my heart then he said to Casey could you get my stethoscope it's in my bag he said ok then chase said to me don't be scared I'll take care of you then Casey come in here you go chase then he said thank you, Casey, Then he asked Casey could hug me while he listens to my heart he sure when he came to me and said come here. But I was still crying then he said to Casey listen for a minute then chase said come here Ashley don't cry it's going to be alright then chase had to hold me because I was a little scared then Casey said to me it's fine I think you just stressed how about you sleep with chase just in case you start crying again then I said to Casey I think I'll like that chase has hugged me all night. the next day after I wake up I was still in chases arms I loved it so much that they cared about me because my last mom means to me I cried every time she yelled at me I don't tell them why I cried when I woke up chase saying hey can you take a listen to my heart again because I felt so angry he said why do you feel like that I just said I will tell you and Casey when he gets up then he said ok. The next day after I had to go to the doctors because I didn't feel good and one of the nurses said to me and my dad Spencer the doctor will be in here in a minute then she said so why are you here in the first place I just said I don't feel good then she said ok I'll tell dr to chase that. Then he came in and said Ashley I'm happy to see you I just said hi then he said what's wrong I started to cry then Spencer told him I didn't feel good but then chase hugged then chase said shhh shh don't worry me to make me feel better then he took my temperature then he said Ashley you have a little fever then I said no wonder I don't feel good. Then chase said don't worry I make you better. Then I said to chase thank you then he hugged me again then I felt better after a couple of days later.

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