chapter 4

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One day I was in Chicago and I smelled smoke and I called 911 when they got there one of them said to me get as low as you can and breathe slow when he got there he said his name was Matthew Casey and he said what's your name I said my name is Ashley he said that's a cute name and I said thank you then he said whare is your family and I said I don't have one so he said to me how about you come with us then I said I would love that when we got to the station he said to me are you hungry and I said sure can I sit with you then he said sure and then I hugged him But I had to watch the dishes but I didn't care I put some bubbles behind my back and I threw it to Casey and he got mad but I think it was playful mad then I went into a comfrence room then I came running in the kitchen and I slipped then Casey came over to me and said are you ok Ashley I said ya I just slipped then he helped me to to couch then my back started to hurt but I deal with it when his shift was over Casey asked me if I wanted to stay with him and I said I would love that❤️❤️The next day after we just stayed at the firehouse thare

were no calls so we just relaxed for the whole day.

The next day after I met Casey I had to go to the dentist Spencer said to me are you scared I said ya how do you know because you never been this close to me before a. A little bit after someone called me I said to the man don't I know you he said yes I do remember you do you remember me said he said then I said isn't your name Neil he said that's me I asked him who was going to be my dentist he said your dentist is dr Robert chase I said I love him so I screamed so loud I think he heard me because he was next to the door he said to me I know you don't feel good today. He Said I said to him I'm scared then he said do you want a nurse I said yes please do you want me to go Get Matthew Casey I said yes please when he came in the room he said hi to me then I said to him I was just going to visit you so he held me hand while chase did his job. After the dentist after the dentist I told my dad my wrist was hurting me so he brought me to the hospital and one of the nurses said to me don't worry the Doctor will be in a couple of minutes I said ok I thought I recognized the nurse it said on the badge Matthew Casey When the doctor comes in the doctor was dr chase he said to me didn't I just see you at the dentist office I said maybe then he said to me what hurts I said my wrist hurts then let me take a look then I said ok after he checked it out he said it just sprained.

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