A Jinxed Story 6: Figured

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 "Shh!" Said a voice, a little closer than the rustle. "If you want me to be quiet, maybe don't say 'shh' so loudly!" Another screeched back. "Well, excuse me, you just YELLED!" Said the one who talked first. "We're just getting louder and louder! So SHUT UP!!"
 Jinx and Sky locked eyes. "Doesn't make any difference! We heard you, so just show yourselves!" Sky said almost amused."It was Nymth's fault, really," one muttered while stepping out of the bush. After they struggled out, Jinx saw them. They looked like normal cat, expect the bigger of the two purple spots around her shoulder and muzzle. The smaller one was a black cat with piercing blue eyes. But one thing really set them apart. They were wearing string around their necks. Hanging on it was a blue-gray rock with a swirl carved in. "Allow us to introduce ourselves. I am Chime, and this is Nymth." Said the black cat.

Nymth stepped forward awkwardly."we're hear to umm... Take you places." Chime brought a forepaw up to her face and shook her head." Well, I guess that sums it up. You two need to come with us. You can't stay here any longer." 
 "Yeah, what she said!" Added Nymth. Chime suddenly became very interested in Jinx's face."What are you talking about?! We're not going anywhere!" Sky blurted out before a hole was burnt into the small cat's face. The black she-cat glared in his direction. "It will be explained when we get there, which will be NEVER if you don't swallow your words and go with us!" Chime spat furiously into the dappled tom's face. 
  Nymth nudged Chime's shaking body. "They're never going to agree if you treat them like that. You got to be a bit... Kinder!" Chime slowly turned her head toward Nymth. "Excuse me. You are retarded. Let me handle this." She said through clenched teeth. "But Chime... Am I not in a higher rank than you? Someone who could perhaps punish you?" Chime's eyes darted over to Nymth. Jinx wondered if she should signal Sky to run.

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