A Jinxed Story 7: Moved

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Chime exhaled deeply. "Enough of this. Just come with us." Jinx narrowed her eyes, ready to fight them to get away. Instead, Sky spoke. "Jinx, this isn't worth it. Let's just follow them." Jinx couldn't believe her ears. He gave in that easily? "Sky, you didn't ask my opinion on your answer!!" Sky turned to her. "What was even the point? I mean, it not like those idiots will even leaves us alone if we don't go with them." Chime clenched herteeth. "Those idiots aren't deaf, you know!" "Fine, Sky," said Jinx. "They will give us a small explanation now." She looked over at Chime and Nymth. "Well?" 
 Chime pushed Nymth aside. "You'll mess it all up." She loudly cleared her throat. "... All cats are born with an element. They look normal. They are normal. But some aren't."
    "Those strong ones can use their powers. They also live much longer than the weak. Nymth is 13 cold cycles." Sky cocked his head. "What is a--""What you cannibals call a year." Chime was forced to pause because Sky and Jinx gasped extremely loudly. 
  "She's still young! Do you want a explanation or not?!" Chime snapped. The 7 and 8 month olds closed their mouths, but kept their eyes wide. "Those we call the Elementals. Obviously... Why we're here is because you two are very strong. We know the spotted one is wind, like Nymth and I. We don't a sure answer to the unnatural one." Sky's eyes swallowed up his face, then grew down to slits. "And how do we know this isn't some kind of pran--" Sky was cut off by a dead leaf hitting him on his nose. Nymth giggled. Chime smirked. "Okay, Sky got us proof. But you mentioned ranks earlier. What's that about?" 
  Chime had no zest in answering her question. "Nymth's in charge of the wind Elementals. I help her, but am still learning new abilities. Even though I am a wind Elemental, with enough concentration and time I can use water. But it is very hard and in some cases impossible. Now, as promised we'll explain more details on the way." And with that, the four cats walked back into the bushes.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2015 ⏰

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