What World I am at??

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"My Rangniee. " I sobbed.

" YAY Ari why are you crying again?"

" My Rang died." Yurim sighed and

"Stop crying. It's pretty late now. You have to go to work tomorrow. Go and sleep" I nodded and want to bed.

Next Morning

"Yay Ari woke up."

"Just 5mins" I thought it was my room mate Yurim.


"WHAT!" I got up and said. There was a guy in front of me.It was  Lee Dong Wook.
What? What is he doing here.His hair style is exactly the same as Lee Yeon.

"W-why are you here? and how do you know me?"

"Yay Do you think  it'll work on me?
Get up we have to do training"

"What training?"

"Yay Kim Ari. I know you're acting cuz you don't want to do training right?"

"Huh?" I looked him with blank eyes.

"Stop acting and let's go" he grabbed my hand and walked.

A few hours later
I got tired of training. I walked toward a tree and sat down.

"Yay Kim Ari.You were totally awful today.What is happening with you today huh? " I don't know what to say so I lowed my head down. After seeing my sad face,he sighed

"I'm telling for your own good. Do you want to get bully again?,"


"Ahh Kim Ari. Do you have a coma or what?. You don't remember anything" he sighed again and said

"I saw some fox bullied you and saved you from them. I took you with me and you stayed here and trained here.It is almost 9 months now "

"Ahh" he sighed and

"I wonder how did you stay alive through this centuries with this dumb brain"

"YAY I'm not that stupid"

"Whatever Let's do it again.We will training until you do great"

"Ahh" I released heavy sigh. Wae? They let me enter drama world and they should give the skill I should have too.This is unfair.

"Lee Yeon, Ari" we heard a voice from behind. I saw Shin Ju. He walked to us.

"Are you guys done?"

"No this girl messed up a lot" he said and hit my head.I groaned

"So how about ice-cream I bought for you two" he said.I saw mint chocolate and chocolate on his hand. Chocolate my fav.How did he know.Ahh Yeon said I live here almost 9 months so he will know.

I saw Yeon looking at ice-cream.

"Ahh Let's eat first" Lee Yeon said .

A Few weeks later
"Ari get up"

"Ahh Yeon just 10min"

"Not in million years.Now get up.We have to rid of her today"


"Yay I already told you we have to get rid of the fox"

Ahh How could I forget. We are about to be in first episode.Finally after long long training day. Phew

"Eo hehe I forget" he sighed.

"Okay wait a few minute"

"Finee but be quick" I nodded

Time passed
I was thinking what to wear.Suddenly I heard a shout from living room.

"YAY BE QUICK.Do you think you are going a date?"

"Okay okay"

"Aish that guy" I mumbled.

                          I choose to wear this

                          I choose to wear this

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He grabbed his red umbrella. I grabbed my blue one.We walked to wedding ceremony.Some girls were complaining about rain.
"Because it is fox wedding" Yeon said.
We walked to bride room.
She looked so happy until she saw us.
The other left.There is only three of us.
"You have been hiding well" he said while walking.

"Please let me live.I am in love and... and I change."

"You ate many livers and you want me to believe you have changed."
She clenched her claws and ready to attack Yeon. She ran toward Yeon. I stopped her and held her hands.She looked at me with angry eyes.And I twisted her hand and pushed her away. Wow .I was amazed by myself.hehe. She lied to the ground.Yeon changed his umbrella to sword.He placed his sword on her neck.

"You in love with human too.Please understand" she was begging him. Later a lady interrupted us.

"This is time for you to walk down the aisle."

We let her go to ceremony.After Wedding, we walked back to bride room. When we opened the door, she tried to stretch us with her claws.Then she escaped from us.

"Yay That fox. Can You believe it? She was about to stretch my face" I said while cupping my face.

"Whatever come on. We have to rid her today." he said and walked out of the room.

"What a heartless man" I pouted and said.

"YAY Kim Ari. Are you coming or not"  he shouted from distant

"Coming" I said and followed him.

We walked to wedding hall.When she saw us, she hid herself behind her fiancee.

"Yay Miss Bride, You almost stretch my face."   guards walked to us. One guard was about to  punch me. I moved aside.

"Woah Slow down Mr." He tried to punch me again. I held his hands and twisted it. I kicked him too.Other man came to me again. I hit him with my arm. I saw another man coming again. And I looked back and saw one man got up and ran to me again. Aish. I'm so lazy to figh so I flew above.These two men fell after hitting each other. I saw fox bride and her husband about to ran away. I ran with light speed toward them.

"Not so fast Miss Fox" I said with smirk.Then Yeon arrived too. He walked to bride fox. But her groom held his leg. He removed his hand from his leg.

Before Fox bride got kill.

"Please erase good memory which had with me" And he killed her. She disappeared in air.

"Ari erase his memory" he commanded me

I walked to him. I keeled my one leg and looked into his eyes. My eyes turned like fox and erase his memory. Then we went to Afterlife immigration company.

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