First Kiss

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Rang leaned closer to me and clean it for me.He looked into my eyes.He moved even closer to me.Our lips about to touch. Then he kissed.It was my first kiss and it was with him.He broke the kiss and smiled at me.I hit him.
"Lee Rang.You took my first kiss" I said and covered my mouth.
"So what ? Do you want more?"

"Noo you prevent" he chuckled.Then he remembered to phone Yeon.This time,Yeon accepted the call.
"Yay Don't you see 20 missed calls.I want to meet you" then he hang up.
He took my hand once again and
"Let's go honey"

"What! How dare you call me honey" I yelled him.He took me to fortune teller again. Later, Ji Ah arrived.
"Ji Ah"I tried to sit with her but Rang held my hand tight.

"Just stay beside me" I glared at him.

"How did you get here?" Ji Ah asked

"It's a long story.I'll tell you later"

Later,Yeon arrived.
Why are you here?Are you guys dating now?"

"No he-"

"Yes we are dating"

"What! We are not"

"Ari we just kis-" I covered his mouth.
Later,old man arrived.He traded Yeon with tiger eyebrow.
I thought he wouldl leave by himself.
But he grabbed my hand.
"Yay Why are you taking me with you again?"

"Our date is not over yet"


He put me into his car.Then, he drove.He didn't even know where he is going.
"Rang where are you going?" he stopped his car and said.

"Umm.I don't know
Don't tell me that jerk..."and he looked at his shoes.

"So Can you drive me home now?"



"I will let you go if accept me as your boyfriend  ."

"You wish" I said and opened the car door.I walked out of his car.He followed me and stood in front of me.
"Ari where are you going?
Will you accept me?" he smiled.

" Ummm I'll think about it. Bye"  Taxi stopped near us so I got in and left.

Next Morning
I woke up and left to my fav cafe. I was thinking what will happen next. I can't think of anything. I think I already forget.

I was walking while drinking my lemon tea.I bumped into a kid.

"Sorry Nonna"

"That's okay kid"  I noticed that kid was wearing  tiger eyebrow which Rang was looking for.And I saw Rang came toward us. He took it from kid.I remembered that kid was Rang's puppy in past life.He walked away from him.I followed him.We noticed that that kid following us.Rang decided to buy him chocolate cake. He was eating his chocolate. Cute.  I sat beside that kid and brushing his hair.

" Do you love kids that much?"

"Yeah Look at them. They are so cute and innocent too"

"You love kid that much so we can have one too when we got married."

"Just wish idiot"

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