follow my heart??

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Next Day (Evening)

Yeon told me to help to choose sneaker for Ji Ah. I chose white one. I gave to him and he bought it. His phone rang. I knew it was from Rang.

"Ari can you go by yourself? I have to go somewhere" I nodded. He ran out of my sight. I sighed and went back to the house.

I  rubbed my eyes and did my daily routine.Suddenly I realized what will happen to Rang today. I ran to his apartment as quick as I can.I rang the bell continuously.He opened the door. I saw him wearing white shirt with 2 buttons open. I don't know why but I was staring at them.

"You.What are you doing here?" it bring me back to reality.

"Is a lady already come here?"

"What are you talking about?"

I was about to answered but the lady stood beside me.She gave him a bottle and asked him what did you afraid of.

" I afraid cheap people like you" I entered his apartment and closed his door.

"What are you doing? Why do you come here?'

"I....I" I was startled and don't know what to say. Later, we heard a music. He was about to go.

"Don't go Rang please"

" I can hear a music I have to look" I shook my head and closed his ears.

"You shouldn't go please Rang please" He removed my hands.

"Why do you even care about a man  you hate?" then he walked to closet. He was about to enter there. I stopped him

"Don't go Rang. I'm begging you" he removed my hand and went there. I tried to enter but I can't. It pushed me away.I cried.

"young lady you should go home and do your job. He'll handle by himself"

"No I can't leave him like that.Please ma'am I'm begging you please let me enter "

"ayy you know I have kind heart. Fine you can but only one condition."

"What is it? I'll do anything"

"If you want to enter there you will feel the pain every time Rang got injures. If he got bruise, you will get too like him.If he die,you will too. Do you still want to go there?"

I nodded.

"Ayy Your feeling for him is too strong.How do you even fall for a guy like him?Whatever now you can go"

And I entered the closet. When I arrived, Rang was talking with his mom.

"Rang" I called him. He walked to me.

"How did you even get here?"

"The lady let me enter" he sighed. I looked around and we were in the forest now.

Later we got attack by strange creature. I was using all my strength to attack them. Suddenly, my leg felt pain. And I saw  big bruise on my leg. I looked around and saw Rang got bitten by that creature.After a long fight, we both ran away from them. But we got caught, some of them tried to bite Rang. Some of them tried to bite me too.Soon, Yeon arrived. We three fought them and ran away. We were far away from them so we lied om the ground and caught breath.

"Why did you come here?" Rang asked to Yeon

"Good question.I got a wrong room"

" How about you? Why you enter ?"

" Because she love you. You stupid." Yeon said. Rang looked at me.

Author POV

When Ari,Rang and Yeon were fighting for their lifes. Yu Ri came in and saw Rang and Ari lying on the floor.She phoned to Shin Ju.

Shin Ju checked their injuries.

"This is poison.There is nothing I can do" Yu Ri stopped him.

"I will die if Rang die"

Back to Ari POV

I was about to get up but the pain is killing me.

"ahh" I groaned.

" Did you also bit by them?" Yeon asked. I don't respond. I don't want them to know what I did.

"Wait" Rang said and pulled my body toward him.

"There is noway she let you enter like that. What did you do to get here?" I didn't respond.


"I-I made a deal with her"

"What is it?Tell me"

"If you get injuries, I'll get same injuries like you"

"YAY ARE YOU CRAZY?" Rang  yelled me.

"Aish Do you like him that much. This idiot.Whatever we have to find the door before poison arrived both of your whole bodies."

I tried to get up. Later we found it.But creatures were coming towards us. Yeon told us to climb to the door. I tried to climb but I can't move. I looked at Rang and saw that creature was holding his leg.Yeon jumped and hovered her and let both of them fell.Rang reached on top and he gave his hand as a help.

I got up from bed. I saw Rang tried to go back to closet.

"Lee Yeon I've to go back" I tried to stop him but I can't. Later he faded.

Time passed,

Yu Ri left us alone to take rest.

"You said you hate me and why do you come?"

"Like Yeon said I love you. I am sorry what I said that day. I just angry what you did to Shin Ju" he turned his body toward me.

"So you love me right" I nodded. He smiled at me and

" Come here. I want to hug you tight so you can never leave me"He spread his arm and said. I moved toward him.I hugged him tight too. He was playing with my hair. Suddenly we heard a door opened. We saw Yu Ri.

"Ummm Sorry to disturb you guys hehe" she closed the door again.

We both chuckled.

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