In Island

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I was in his arm.My heart beat became faster. Why I'm staying like that.I should move him away.But my body didn't move.
"Ari Your heart beating fast. Are you sure you don't care about me"
Suddenly I pushed him away.
"Yay You. Stop talking nonsense and don't ever come near me"
And I walked away.
"Yay this heart you embarrass me you know that" I said while looking my chest.I quickly walked to our room.And I saw Yeon was testing Ji Ah is his reborn girlfriend or not.
"Yeon " My call made him startled.
"Shh You scared me "

"Sorry" i whispered and went to bed.

Next Day
When I woke up,I didn't see Yeon and Ji Ah too.I phoned him.
"Yeon Where are you?"

"That girl is trying get an answer.Now we are going to a guy house who was with Mr.Soe"

"Ahh tell me where it is and I'll come. Wait for a while"  and I walked to that man house.When I arrived there, Ji Ah was asking him a few questions.Later,Ji Ah told that they ate Mr Soe.And he started to sweat and
"I'm hungry"
He looked at me and Ji Ah.
"My meats" What! Did he think he can eat us.I was about to kicked him.Yeon stood front of us.And punched him.After that, he put his hand on his mouth.Later he died.We went to other house to discover some facts.We saw  painting there.Yeon and Ji Ah started to discuss. I just looking at them while eating my chip.After that,he walked to store where we bought our ice-cream.He was telling owner to tell about the painting.And he looked like he remember something and looked at me.
"Ari go and follow Ji Ah.We have to keep eyes on her you know it right?" I nodded and walked to house.While walking,I was praying not to meet Rang there.When I see him,I can't control.My body started to shake and my heart beat fast. But my pray didn't work.I saw Ji Ah and Rang talking.After talking,he walked to the gate.I looked at him and he winked. Aish that guy again.I sighed and walked to Ji Ah.
"Ji Ah are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm okay.He just told me he will grant my wish"

"Ohh About your parents"

"Yes.And I refuse"


"Because you two are the foxes that I trust" I smiled. Later,Yeon arrived.We ate ramen.While I'm eating,they two were talking.Ji Aj asked about Yeon first love.He stopped eating and started talking.This is my chance to steal Yeon ramen. I put my chopstick on his cup and took his ramen and ate.But third time,he caught and hit my hand.
"Yay you eat my ramen"

"Yep.It is so delicious"

"Finee I'll eat yours too" he tried to take my ramen.I cover it with my both hands.And it start ramen war.He ate  my ramen more than I ate his.I glared at him and hit him.
"Yah I'm older than you.You should respect to your elder"

"Never ever you stupid" I heard Ji Ah giggle.
"You two look good together" we both looked at Ji Ah with'I can't believe this' look.

"Eww with him.Not in million years"

"Yay. I don't want too.
If it is Rang,you'll be very happy right"

"YAY.I already said I don't like him"

"Ayy Don't lie you like him.I knew it"

"Guys stop fighting and let's eat"I nodded and started to eat my ramen again.

Time Skip

While Yeon phoned granny about Imoogi,I was playing with some leaves.Suddenly,I remembered Ji Ah will    get attack by one man and Lee Rang.
"Soeyeon what are you thinking?" Yeon interrupted my thought.
"We have to go somewhere"
"Whe-"I didn't listen his words.I grabbed his hand and went to a forest.We saw a man about to hit Ji Ah.Yeon ran and covered for her.Aww
Later,he tried to heal her bruise.Later,she changed into A Eum. They started to talk as you guys know.Later, she changed back into Ji Ah.
Yeon threw a stone to Rang who was behind us.He threw piece of stone to Ji Ah but Yeon covered for her.I ran to Rang and made both of us fell on the ground.He tried to get up and attacked Ji Ah.Yeon blocked Rang every attack.But he ran with wind speed and disappeared from our sight.I managed to get up and ran to him.I stood behind him and wrapped him neck with my arm tight enough.
"No So fast " I smirked. Yeon arrived.
"Yeon follow Ji Ah.If not she will become a sacrifice.hurry.I can handle him by myself." He sighed and ran.
After Yeon ran, Rang grabbed my arm and threw me on the ground again.
I groaned in pain.Rang walked towards me.I was still on the ground.
"You are not even brave and smart too"

I didn't respond him.I was still catching my breath.
"And you know what that's why I like you."

"YAY Can you just get out of my sight?
I don't want to see your face."

"Why?Do I make you feel nervous."

"Just wish" I tried to get up and leave.But my legs are weak.I tried to get up again.I fell again
"Ahh" I groaned in pain.
I saw a hand in front of me.
"I don't need your help"

"Aish Kim Ari take my hand before I change my mind."

"No I can stand by myself."

"Ari I'm telling you.If you don't,I'll make you accept my help"

I just stay there without respond.Later he came toward me and picked me up.
"YAY What are you doing?Put me down" I said while hitting his chest.

"Stop hitting or else I'll leave you in this forest alone." And I stopped hitting him. Not gonna lie,he looked so handsome.I was gazing at his handsome face.I hope he didn't notice.
Time skip, we arrived the house.He put me down.
"Anything to say" he said.I looked up and
"What! What do you want me to say?"

"Thanks or something. I take you home.You should thanks me"

"It happen because of you.You threw me on the ground. And why should I thank huh?"

"Ayy you don't know how to respect elder"

"Can you go now before Yeon come back"

"You say so.I'll go.Bye " he waved at me and left.

Later,Yeon and Ji Ah arrived.
Next day,we noticed people were missing expect Pyong Hee. Ji Ah informed her friend.Then We came back to city.

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