Chapter 2: Calling Your Bluff

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3 Years Later
September 3rd
Friday afternoon

The Wilson Home

The Wilson Home

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Thirty three year old Mrs

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Thirty three year old Mrs. Aaliyah Wilson was currently taking a bubble bath in the master bathroom while her husband of thirteen years, considering the fact that they got married when they were twenty, was in their master bedroom, brainstorming new ideas for his cologne line, keeping himself busy and quiet while he left the TV playing at a low volume because Jeremiah can't take it being too quiet, it makes him paranoid

Thirty three year old Jeremiah Wilson already fed the the cats, Teddy and Tubby while Aaliyah made sure she fed her sons dog, Panther

Since three years has past, Teddy, Tubby, and Panther all have grown up to become healthy loyal pets but pets for their teenage kids

Other than that nineteen year old adopted Amira Wilson was currently out on a date with her boyfriend, Emmanuel Harper, considering the fact that the both of them graduated last year, they've been dating for two years

Sixteen year old Jelana Wilson was currently getting out of high school just to go to practice because she's on the dance team considering the fact that it's her second year being a high school dancer also being in her first year of driving because she has her own car

High school football games are every Friday, because Jelana is a dancer, she attends the football games for free until the season is over but the dance team had to schedule a emergency practice before the actual football game

Jelana's siblings and parent's have never missed a high school football game, as long as their daughter was dancing

Fifteen year old Justin and Jhaleel Wilson is a freshman in high school but the both of them manage to be there for each other instead of letting people turn them against each other

Justin and Jhaleel will be home from high school around 3:45p.m. even though they usually go to their friends house after school on Fridays

Justin wants to be a video game creator while Jhaleel wants to be the CEO of a company that specializes in Art


Jeremiah was sitting on the left side of the king size bed with his feet rested flat on the sand brown carpeted floor while he finished up three different titles for  three different scents just when his wife of seven years came out their bathroom in nothing but a white towel while her body was still wet

Jeremiah turned his head and his wife looked at him holding onto her white towel

The both of them locked eyes

"What did you come up with hubby?" Aaliyah asked.

"You'll find out when it's eventually gets released along with the string of other colognes that's in all the cologne stores in the malls around the world." Jeremiah said.

"Awww' come on babe just tell me at least one of the titles of your new cologne." Aaliyah said while Jeremiah got up from the bed smirking as he walked towards his wife which didn't take long.

"What are you willing to do for it wifey?" Jeremiah asked.

"I'll suck your dick if you fuck me the way you know I like it." Aaliyah said as she let the white towel drop to the carpeted floor exposing her naked, wet body.

Jeremiah dipped down and picked Aaliyah up in a swift move as her legs were now wrapped around his waist while her arms sat on his neck

They leaned in kissing each other's lips as Jeremiah walked his wife to their king size bed until he laid her down

It was just a matter of seconds before Aaliyah started taking off her husband's clothes until he was completely naked

Jeremiah was now on his knees on the bed in front of his wife while her business was in his view

Jeremiah moved down until he was kissing his wife's naval before he grabbed her inner thigh and began to eat her out as if he wasn't going to have another meal for a long period of time

Aaliyah moaned as if her life depended on it while her husband flicked his tounge on her clit at a fast pace making her feel like she was giving her soul away at the moment

Jeremiah took time to suck on her clit until his wife eventually cam' in his mouth

Seconds later Jeremiah wiped his mouth and grabbed Aaliyah's legs, entering her love world at a slow pace before he began to thrust at a fast pace

"FUUUCK' YES, DADDY." Aaliyah moaned while her husband bent down and finally kissed her lips still not letting up at how he was working his dick inside her.

Aaliyah moaned wrapping her arms around his neck kissing back until Jeremiah pulled away from the kiss and sat up pulling out just for his wife to turn over on ass up face down

Jeremiah grabbed Aaliyah's waist from the back and entered her again, immediately going back to thrusting fast

Their moans and groans filled their room while they went at it

Eight minutes later Jeremiah's cellphone went off while his wife was riding his dick

"Answer it, I'm not stopping daddy." Aaliyah moaned grinding harder as she rocked her hips forward and back at a fast pace, making sure she gets hers while her husband answered his cellphone.

Jeremiah: "Hello."

Westin: "I'm out of jail and I want the money you owe me for going to jail for you."

Jeremiah: "It ain't like I can't pay you, it's just that I'm not going to pay you because that shit that happened was your fault, if you would've just followed the plan instead of doing what the fuck you wanted, you could've came out successful, it ain't my fault you chose to be stupid."

Westin: "The charge was yours, you had a family to think about."

Jeremiah: "The fuck you mean I still do."

Westin: "Ion' give a shit, give me my fucking money."

Jeremiah: "No nigga, stop asking."

Westin: "You're fucking dead, I'mma' skin yo' ass alive, literally."

Jeremiah laughed

Jeremiah: "Fuck you Westin."

Westin: "Naw fuck you, if you don't give me my money I'mma' come take what's yours."

Jeremiah: "The fuck is that supposed to mean?"

Westin: "I'mma' fuck your wife, she sexy as fuck and if she doesn't let me fuck then I'mma' just kidnap y'all teenage kids."

Jeremiah: "Come near my kids and I'll put you back in jail after a nasty beatdown, believe that."

Jeremiah hung up before Westin could respond while he cam inside his wife

Aaliyah giggled kissing his lips before  hopping off and getting out the bed going back to the bathroom to use the bathroom

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