Chapter 5: Trust

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Whoever is here for the ride, thank you because we made it to chapter five

That's all I got to say


September 3rd
Friday night


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Mrs. Maria nelson just got done preparing dinner only because she likes to cook around six o clock to get a early head start since they got a big enough amount of kids to feed everyday

Speaking of kids, Maya was practicing her cheers and cheer dances while Myla was on her laptop playing games

Since Mia moved out months ago, Maya got her bedroom so Myla and Milana didn't have to share a room anymore

On the other hand, Milana was playing with her dolls and doll houses

TJ, Trevion, and Trenton were all outside in the backyard playing basketball on the basketball court that their father had to bring in workers to build, which happened two years ago

TJ has his own room

Trevion and Trenton have their own room

Tremaine was in his man cave avoiding his wife


Maria was setting the table while she was talking to her oldest adopted daughter, Mia, on her cellphone

Maria: "Do you know anybody by the name of Siena Towner honey?"

Mia: "Naw' mom, I don't know who that is, never heard or seen her, why are you asking?"

Maria: "No reason, don't worry about it, I just needed to know."

Mia: "Needed to know what exactly mom like what is going on?"

Maria: "Nothing, I can handle it."

Mia: "Mom, handle what, I'm so confused."

Maria: "Mia it's nothing."

Mia: "Wouldn't be nothing if you're asking me about some random girl don't nobody know, is everything ok at home?"

Maria: "Mia you have your own life now, focus on that."

Mia: "I'm trying but I can't cause' the only mom I ever known got me scared that something is wrong."

Maria: "You can't guarantee that."

Mia: "Mom, I might can help, tell me what's going on."

Maria: "Just leave it alone for christ sakes, I got this."

Mia: "Got what, what mom, what?"

Maria: "Mia stop it."

Mia: "No mom you stop, I know something is going on, you just won't tell me because you're scared things will get out of hand, I understand that mom but if you need someone to be there for you without your friends being in your business then I'm right here or you can call grandma, just tell me what it is, I won't tell dad that you told me if that's what you're worried about."

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