Chapter 3: What's Fair

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3 Years Later
September 3rd
Friday afternoon

The King Home

The King Home

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Thirty five year old Bianca and Dominic King were currently trying to tire out their four year old youngest twin sons, Dominant and Dominican King for their nap time while their older brother and sister were already busy doing their own thing

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Thirty five year old Bianca and Dominic King were currently trying to tire out their four year old youngest twin sons, Dominant and Dominican King for their nap time while their older brother and sister were already busy doing their own thing

Six year old Brianna Bianca King was playing with her toy dolls, dolls houses, and doll cars after she had got done finishing her kindergarten homework but sometimes throughout the week, every week she spends time with her two best friends, Milana Nelson and Kassidy Anderson

Usually always after Brianna finishes her homework, even if it's on the weekends

Eight year old Dominic King Jr. A.K.A DJ was outside in the backyard, reading comic books in his treehouse that he and his dad built together but on most days he's spends a big portion of his time with his younger twin brothers that are in their last year of daycare

Usually DJ hangs out with his younger brothers until he needs time to himself

While managing to keep her family together, Mrs. Bianca King still had to focus on her job being a home incubator pediatrician that helps pays the monthly bills while her husband of thirteen years still manages to keep his string of restaurant's by the name of Bianca's under control

Bianca and Dominic got married at twenty one

Soon enough Mrs. and Mr. King were planning on going on a much needed date at the same time trying to stay out their feelings because the other day, Bianca ran into someone from her past that at once upon a time ago, meant a lot to her until she called it quits

Now this person is causing friction between Bianca and her husband, who she will always love to death, otherwise she would've never married Dominic

Overall Mrs. and Mr. King had their seventeen year old babysitter coming over soon

Right now Bianca and Dominic King were in the living room, spending quality time with Dominant and Dominican while they were playing with their toys, trying to avoid the high tension in the living room because Bianca and Dominic both knew that they needed to have a conversation

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