Chapter 4: Make More Time

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3 Years Later
September 3rd
Friday night

The Anderson Home

The Anderson Home

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Thirty three year old Keira Anderson was busy in the kitchen, cooking dinner for her family while her nineteen year old adopted daughter, Katelyn was washing the dishes, taking time away from quality time she could be spending by herself while all...

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Thirty three year old Keira Anderson was busy in the kitchen, cooking dinner for her family while her nineteen year old adopted daughter, Katelyn was washing the dishes, taking time away from quality time she could be spending by herself while all her younger brother and sisters were somewhere around the mansion, minding their own business

Eleven year old Khaleel Anderson Jr. A.K.A KJ was busy in the game room with his seven year old younger adopted brother Ashan Anderson, thinking about on different ways on how he can make Myla Nelson his girlfriend while he and his younger brother played games together

Six year old Kassidy Anderson was busy playing dolls with her three year old younger twin sister's, Cacy and Macy Anderson

Kassidy had her own bedroom but Cacy and Macy shared a bedroom and they loved it

Thirty three year old Khaleel Anderson was outside on the upstairs balcony that connected to the master bedroom he shares with his wife of ten years, considering the fact that they actually tied the knot at twenty four in July

On the other hand Mr. Khaleel Anderson was on a important cellphone call


"Mom, I need to talk to you about something." Katelyn said while washing the plastic bowls, in front of the double kitchen sink, using the nozzle every now and then.

Keira was stirring the mashed potatoes, "Wassup' sweetheart, tell me anything." Keira said.

"Well you know how Me, Mia, and Amira graduated from high school last year and Mia didn't rush but eventually got her own place." Katelyn said.

"Yeah I know but let's not forget, her parent's paid for that apartment that she shares with her boyfriend." Keira said.

"That's true, I'm trying to talk to you about a important decision I been wanting to make for a while now." Katelyn said.

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