Statue of Eternia - Legend of the soulmate

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This is absolutely ridiculous.

Her friend's wanted to make a trip to that city with the statue. The statue has a whole legend that her friends told very badly, so the brunette opened her laptop to read about it herself.

The Statue of Eternia - The legend of the soulmate

The Statue of Eternia is a not well known but an old and beautiful legend of a girl who had to pay the price of her life.
As the legends say, the girl had saved the world but the price was to be turned into a statue. Only if her soulmate would take her hand, she would be free from her curse to live her own happily ever after.
While this is just a legend, it's incredible how defined the statue is and nothing was able to break it, people had tried, nothing broke it, or melt it, or gave a little crack, nothing.
By now the city the statue is in has barely anyone living there.
It's a truly underrated story and sight to behold.

What a piece of bullshit.
Though she had to admit, that nothing was able to break it was really cool. The rest was just some weird scam shit or something though. There weren't many articles about this, but countless photos and selfies that were holding the hand of the statue. From what she could see the statue had a normal human size and everything was anatomically correct. The statue had open hair that was seemingly flowing in the wind, the eyes were closed. The dress had a lot of details and was really pretty idea actually. The shoes were- they looked like flames or something, she wasn't even sure you could call these shoes. The clothes were lookthrough were they were supposed to be, a layer of the dress and the sleeves, she had never seen anything like this before. You could see arms through them, well built but not too much. The statue girl was holding a sword in her right hand, raised to in front of it's face, the hilt to the sky. The left hand was reaching out, as if for someone to take. It was almost a shame this statue wasn't a real person, and maybe it wouldn't be so stupid to see it for real because that's an very underrated architectural masterpiece. But the legend was bullshit.

Catra groaned softly and closed her laptop, they had packed things yesterday, now it was time to act or whatever. A way too excited Scorpia bursted into her room. "WILDCAT!!! C'monnn, it's time to go!! Entrapta is about to explode!" The feline flicked her tail in annoyance. "Alright, alright. Leave my room." Scorpia nodded and left, Catra growled and threw herself off her chair on the ground. She stayed there for a few moments, questioning why she even agreed. She stared at the ceiling before sighing and mumbling to herself, "C'mon Catra. It's for Scorpia, it's for Entrapta. It's the least you could do after all the shit you pulled. Do it for them, do it for them.. and do it for the statue that could totally sit on my face if it was a real person." That actually made her jump up and she left her room. "It's literally just two days, Catra. One night in that hotel from that weird lady there, and then back home. It'll be fine. It'll be fine.. not like you have a job. You were fired last week." The last memory made her frown a bit. How was it her fault that coffee machine exploded!??? She could have died from that!! Did no one know how often eople got badly injured or killed by exploding drink machines????? She was pretty sure one of her former co-workers ambushed her.

Catra mumbled curse words to herself while she left their shared house and entered a car with crossed arms. She listened to her two friends scream excitedly as Scorpia started the car, the feline definitely did NOT smile.

The car ride was full of bickering and singing, sadly, Catra couldn't help herself joining at some point so the two would find the right key. Not because it was fun or anything.

The ride was over pretty quick, that's what it felt like at least. They drove for like 3 and a half hours, but it felt like 30 minutes.

When Catra left the car she was staring at a really pretty mostly abandoned village, like, really pretty. Maybe she should move here? She helped carrying some stuff to where they were staying at, though Scorpia was carrying the most (Catra was pretty sure Scorpia could lift a car if she tried).

Statue of Eternia - Legend of the soulmate Where stories live. Discover now