Familiar mysterious faces and a kind stranger

535 13 2

  Man, what a fucking day


This place was odd. Now, the only worries weren't about your current location or about looking for other living souls, it was more of 'Where did the light come from?'. The sky, if that is how the black void above your head can be called, was pure blackness, empty without any light source, even a single star and yet you stand here, wondering how come it looks exactly like at noon. Everything was so bright, the golden fields almost practically shone into your eyes and finally you noticed that there was no shadows anywhere, as if the sun was directly above you but when you look up- It's the same empty void like seconds ago, nothing changing.

Logically, it doesn't make sense, but does anything? Appearing in a random location with a black sky and sharp edges going straight down into nothingness, this place doesn't logically make sense, as doesn't the fact no one seems to be around. Either the field is really big and you are simply lost or there is nothing but this golden field. You're starting to despise it, making your way through all the ears of corn, breaking some off while gripping your bow in your hands.

You wonder as you wander what the sharp edges are about, if it's a normal thing where-ever you are or if it's something to be afraid of. Have they always been here? Or is it the clock of doom for this world, letting you know that sooner or later it will eat up the whole field and you'll fall to your demise? Or maybe it was a warning of higher living beings if that existed, at this point, you would believe anything any kid would tell you, since none can be apparently explained.

And you still need an explanation as for if you are asleep or if you're in a coma. Worse is you're dead but you'd rather not think about that possibility. God you wish the feeling of inner peace.

You wander for a bit more before before bumping into something, but you hope for it to be someone. You look up a bit too see... A living scarecrow? Interesting you think to yourself.

,,Hello." you say, hoping that you get a civil response back or, in the worse case scenario, just a nod back. To your surprise, there is even a worse scenario and the scarecrow screeches at you, making you cover your ears as you take a step back. You squeeze your eyes just for a moment before you look back with wide eyes, as you barely dodge the ear of corns thrown at you.

Damn, does this thing want to fight? you think to yourself, you're not good at fighting and don't have a clue how you'd fight this thing in the first place. You step back to take a better look at the scarecrow, it's eyes were shining red and surely didn't look happy.

,,Are you a protector of this field?" you ask it, it doesn't give you a response before attacking you again. Your reflexes aren't the best, but as you panic and duck down, everything misses you and you're trying to think of a solution out. But you're panicking too much to think properly, thoughts coming and leaving in the speed of light as you're barely dodging.

Midst the panic, you pick up an ear of corn and throw it back at the scarecrow, hoping it takes a step back, thinks you want to fight back and leaves. Wrong, it screeches more and starts throwing more ear of corn at you. Now your ears are dying more and you are "dancing" around with the scarecrow in order to not get hurt. What a fucking day.

You were getting tired, the scarecrow still not getting weaker and/or as tired as you, you were beginning to give up. You try using your bow, but for fuck's sake you can't figure out where all the arrows went or if you can use this differently. You tried pulling back the string, hoping an arrow would appear out of thin air, but you were too panicked to see the little glow starting to form. So, you did the next logical thing- You threw your bow at the scarecrow.

It looked to the ground next to itself, confused on what just practically flew by. It gave you a chance and you launched towards it, bringing it to the ground and stealing it's pumpkin head. You soon figured out that was the core of the scarecrow and the only reason it could send all these ears of corn against you, so you did, yet again, the next logical thing and you threw it. You stretched as much as you could and with some ears of corn stabbing your back, you threw it as far as possible. All the fields were the same, the scarecrow's eyes couldn't find you now, you deem yourself save.

And to feel like that even more, you proceed to destroy the scarecrows body while feeling... a little stronger than before. After finishing that, you let yourself fall to the ground and breathing heavily, gripping onto your bow, looking for any damage. Luckily, like you, it survived and you were so glad it did. ,,Nice one." you hear a barely recognizable voice when you turn around just to see Susie, Kris and someone- What the fuck are they doing here?

You were staring, confused. Kris is dragging themselves lazily towards you, Susie is walking like a confident bitch (which she is) and whoever the last one is is the most in the back, approaching carefully, which you couldn't take as a bad thing. ,,Sure you're confused, I just wanted to say that that was a nice fight you had before anything. Watched most of it, it was cool." Susie continued and your jaw dropped. ,,You were here all along?! Why didn't you help me?!" you yell with what strength you have and Susie chuckles. ,,Nah, it was funny to watch you struggle. Now stop complaining about not getting help, you survived." Susie says with an amused tone and Kris hands you something, that looks like candy and smells sweet. Man... What a motherfucking day... Just what the fuck is going on?


1045 words!

I am honestly surprised I'm keeping this weekly upload streak, but it MAY fuck over now but hope you're enjoying this so far! :D

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