Has the story ceased ???

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Basically, Yes :D And am I happy about that ? Yes as well !


That's a bit anticlimatic... Let me explain:

When I started this story out, I decided to go into writing about something I have 0 actual experience in; Compatibility of Zodiac signs differencing from their stereotypes (Hence why the reader, A sun Leo, isn't potrayed as an egoistical bastard)

And I chose a Leo to Kris' Scorpio because of the phenomenom of those signs being, well, Legendary Lovers (according to google)... Thing is that I am neither of those things (Unless we count my Leo Rising which basically doesn't make itself known) and thought I know a bunch of Leos, I know no Scorpios- And thought that isn't a problem at all, let me just put a personality into that mf, right? The problem was in making the reader character and Kris actually fall in love as I didn't know, well, shit?

I had a full document of notes on zodiac signs because of it, even zodiac assinged other characters and planned to make Noelle the ultimate zodiac nerd but in the end the passion of zodiac signs didn't catch me and even if it did, it was only for a moment before it went as quickly.

With allowing myself to discontinue the story and leave it be I allow myself to be free of the burden of forcing myself into researching more to write (which has been stopping me from writing at all, actually). 

I want to take this step in order to hopefully return to my other planned stories, which I will let you all in on- I will try to make a different Kris x Reader story in the future, near of far I am not able to tell, but I will try. No promises tho <3

Thank you for understaning and being patient with my dumbass ^^

!Unfinished! Legendary lovers - Kris x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now