Where is here and here is where

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Hi!! The pic above is your dark-world wear! I drew it B]


You thought today couldn't have been worse after almost locking your keys back at home, but it was proven wrong... Or was it? Maybe today actually got better, as you held your eyes shut gently, laying barefoot comfortably against the ground with tall grass (you assume it is) surrounding you. Everything felt... Finally peaceful for a moment.

You held the bow against your chest and gripped on it tightly- It worried you, where it came from and what purpose it has, what danger waits around and ahead but for some reason, you couldn't bring yourself to shiver with fear.

You feel gloves hugging your hands just as you feel leggings hug your legs perfectly. You laid there, the grass(?) brushing against your exposed arm parts gently. You loved how the fabric of the dress felt against your body, you loved the collar of the dress pressed against your neck. You loved how poofy the sleeves felt.

You don't know where you are and you know you should be worried, but you can't bring yourself to. Maybe you passed out, maybe you're dreaming or maybe you're dead, but everything is finally calm. You should be worried as if what lays ahead or around you, gripping the bow tighter but you let go a bit and breathe. For just a moment longer you enjoy the feeling of inner peace, the feeling of not having to worry about anything. You wished this feeling would last forever, but not everyone can have whatever they say, so you open your eyes slowly.

You look for the blue bright sky, but there's none. Instead of a bright blue sky you are greeted with a black sky... Black void? It's creepy either way. And it confuses you, just what is going on and where are you? And where is here anyway?

Ugh, so many questions but so little answers and being confused doesn't make your rising anxiety any better. Well, at least the wheat fields surrounding you do. You feel like you've seen something like this before and you're not sure why, then it hits you- The unused classroom! You wonder as you begin to remember- What happened and how did that small room turn to this? Did the floor really fall or was it just a hallucination before you passed out? Did you pass out in the first place? And there goes the feeling of inner peace.

You slowly sit up, looking through the wheat field, it was big, you looked for a civilization- a small town, a village or at least a path leading somewhere. Unfortunately, you didn't see anything else than a wheat field stretching further than you can see, with the fields going up hills and down them, but maybe getting to a hill like that would give you a better sight on your surroundings.

You stand up and grab your bow and begin to wander around, trying to make your way over to a near hill you see, trying to not damage the field as you wonder... Does anyone take care of this field or is it just here on it's own? You may never know, at least it looks beautiful to you and gives you this calm feeling in your heart.

You made your way to the top of the hill, panting and clearly not really in shape for doing much more climbing, so you bent over to latch onto your knees and catch some breath. And after taking a few breaths, you decided to look around yourself, seeing not much but beautiful golden fields.

Well that was until you looked behind yourself to see a sharp edge going down into the void... Black abyss? Nothingness? Whatever you could call it. That scared you and truly, you didn't go any closer to the edge because you were scared of falling down. God knows what would happen.

You turn back around and squint your eyes in hopes of seeing anything- A glimpse of someone or at least something or the smallest, thinnest path. But to your luck, you see nothing. You sigh, you failed and you had no other plan than to get down from the hill and wander the field until you find anything- Something, someone.

So you do just that, and your adventure through the unknown fields begins.


718 words!

Writing this chapter took longer than it should've and it was harder than the first one, god how I hate writing sometimes -_-

!Unfinished! Legendary lovers - Kris x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now