Misunderstandings and Confrontations

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In tangent gate

Mentor was sleeping peacefully, then *beep *beep. He groaned at the sound of buzzer. He looked at nightstand realize that it was his phone ringing. Blinking his eyes to rid his sleep. He checked the clock its almost 5 of morning. Letting out a sigh, he receives call.


"hello ji, it's me Jayden."

"what happened? Is there any problem?"

"nothing, I called you to inform that were heading to library."

"its 5 in the morning, you are too early."

"there is nothing early if you are being a samurai."

Ji chuckled at him.

"very well then. But can I ask you reason?"

"it's mia, it was her decision."

"does she read the note."

"yes ji she did. But...ji has you ever met a girl who doesn't listen to you?"

"my wife, she never listens to me."

"well... what do you do, when she doesn't___"

"Jayden don't ask experiences, tell the problem and get the solution."

"okay... ji, mia is little upset now, because I hide something from her."

"well...what is it?"

"I can't tell you right now."

"now you're hiding it from me, Jayden."

"sorry ji, but what I do now?"

"you have to tell her what why you hide it from her. When a person is ignoring you, were listen you the most just pretend to not. "

"thank you ji."

"well...if you try to make her angry or upset again, then___"

"I know the punishments ji."

"I'm not gonna give you any suggestion like today."

"I'll keep that."

"good luck. Bye."


He hung up. "now I'm stated to believe that there is a fate of love." ji said to himself.

Before this conversation



They both fell in silence, arguing like who is gonna win this debate.

"no, I want to talk about this, let's make this clear."

She said and lunch her step to him. Unfortunately, a rolling object which slipped on her feet which was kendo stick lying on floor. Fortunately, she ended up falling on Jayden's arm. Jayden caught her, a hand engulfs to her waist and other was supporting her back.

"are you okay?" he asked in hitched breath. He looks down to her to check if she has injury.

"I-I'm okay." She answered him, still in little shock of sudden moment of swift. And she looked at him...

They both went silent, don't know what to say. She looked at him. Like he was tired, his eves were tired, still he wanted to win argument for her safety. He was still looking down at her worriedly, her every safety was on his mind now.

Now they both were staring in each other eyes. Where tome stopped for them, like a space which they never had. An unwanted still wanting feeling crossing each other's mind like their distance between them was closer bit. Like no one was this close to each other. Both were into hallucination of their tiredness; they closed their eyes.

*ding dong *beep *ding dong

Both gasp to their lost sense for waking them, realize they were still in same position. As gap sensor was on like police siren, like someone break in the house.

Both eyes widened at new info they found in gap sensor. Like a protocol, they nodded at each other and went outside.

As they come outside activating their spin sword, saw a gate was open and an approaching figure.

"what are you doing here?" mia questioned to the figure.

"pink ranger, we need to talk." Dayu said in serious tone.

"yea sure." mia said, unaware of situation.

"mia!" Jayden called her out, gave her 'are you sure' look.

"don't worry Jayden, she is with us." Mia assured him.

"we got problem, he found me..."and Dayu stated to tell what happen in between Dayu and Dekker. Mia and Jayden were listening her, but at point mia freaked in realization.

"Jayden! You challenged him, when?" mia was furious still curious about event. She looked at Jayden who was taken a backed at her.

"he came to fight with him, but instead you fought with him. On that day he challenged Dekker for a fight after two days." Dayu said.

Mia let out a frustrated sigh. Everyone went silent as mia break it,

"it means we have one day left, we need to go library and find it." mia said.

"wait! Why don't you tell the curse instead." Jayden asked Dayu.

"because of this curse, I can't tell. I can only show you the path."

"I think I should leave. Red ranger please don't leave pink ranger alone, she isn't safe." Dayu said and Jayden nodded.

Mia was frowning at her words. But composing herself with new information she said,

"yea, you should hurry. If Dekker saw you, there might be trouble."

"okay" Dayu said and vanish in dust.

Dayu looked at Shiba house far from distance,

"they really have fate, lets see how their fate goes."

15 minutes later

Shiba house.

Jayden was sitting in chair staring at window. Mia come into kitchen and sit beside him.

"why don't you tell me about you challenged Dekker?" she was holding her anger now.

"I'm sorry."

"Jayden, this was the worst decision you ever take."

He looked at mia, he was in disbelief.

"fine, I'm taking my worst decision.' mia said.

"what are you saying mia? " Jayden got worried at her words.

"I'm heading to library now! You want to come or not... I don't care." Mia was beyond pissed.

First they agreed on finding their curse and now he challenged Dekker. Which aren't helping the situation now.

She got up and started to leave.

"mia stop." She isn't listening him now. She got out of house and Jayden was just staring at door.

'red ranger doesn't leave pink ranger alone.' Dayu's word hit her brain.

"fine." He said to himself and grabbed his morpher and jacket and ran outside the house to chase Mia.

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