NO! i'm hibernating...

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*a.n. hey people! sorry it's been a while since i've posted on this book, i've just been working on the next few chapters for this and my other book. hopefully the fluffiness in this chapter can make up for it though lol XD hope you enjoy it!!*

word count: 538

notes: p/n - player name, y/n - your name; y/n (reader) pov

about: it's an early morning and p/n tries to wake y/n up but she refuses to get out of bed.


"morning sunshine," p/n gently presses his lips to the top of my head then rolls out of bed. "mmgh," i mumble, slightly opening my eyes to take a peek at him. "come on it's a beautiful day!" p/n says enthusiastically as he opens the curtains. "too bright," i say pulling the blanket further up and over my head. p/n chuckles at this as he walks towards the cupboard and chucks on one of his hoodies.

p/n walks to my side of the bed and says, "come on sleepy head, we have a fun day ahead of us!" as he gently shakes my shoulder. "i know but i want to sleeppp," i respond tiredly. p/n pulls the blanket down to uncover my face. quickly, i snap and pull it straight back up. "oh come on y/n, just get up, it's not that hard," p/n says loudly. "NO! i'm hibernating!" i yell back. "what?! it's not even that cold! plus you are not an animal," p/n says while gesturing wildly. "i can do what i want to," i tell him sticking my tongue out childishly. "oh you did not just do that missy," p/n says laughing and leaning forward to tickle me. i squirm around and laugh like a maniac. p/n stops and takes a step back.

"alright, now just get out of bed," p/n says, hoping he'd be done with his job here. "NO!" i yell back, standing, well more like lying down my ground. "fine...that's it. you have left me no choice." p/n says sighing and flicking his hands up annoyedly.

i give him a confused look.

p/n steps forward and picks me up. next thing i know, he has me hanging over his shoulder. "so this is what it's come to?!" i yell as p/n walks down the hall with me dangling over him. "i'm afraid so," p/n says unapologetically. "just put me down," i say still tired. "no," p/n says, using my own line against me. i start to flail, lightly smashing my hands against his back. he just laughs. "you're never escaping me," he says chuckling. i accept my defeat and let out a small giggle too.

"you know, you're pretty good at this babe," i say, still draped over his shoulder as he walks towards the lounge. "oh really," he says, stopping in his tracks to twist his head back to side eye me. "yea," i laugh. "well, i knew that," he says shrugging smugly. "and i mean i don't really mind. ya know, it's a pretty nice view from here," i say tapping his butt. p/n stops and wiggles his butt slightly. this time we both burst out laughing.

we reach the couch and p/n says "alright, i'm setting you down now." he carefully and gently lays me down on the couch. "thank you," i say, "that was quite an enjoyable ride." he just laughs. "okay, breakfast time!" p/n says excitedly, rubbing his hands together then clapping. "ugh..." i sigh, making myself more comfortable on the couch. "babeee, i don't wanna get up," i say, slowly curling myself into a ball and bringing one of the couch pillows up and close to my chest. p/n sighs too and shakes his head, "not again."


*a.n. thank you for reading!! once again, i hope you liked it and feel free to leave a comment or message me with any requests you have :) Jadie x*

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