coaches daughter. pt 1.

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*a.n. long time no see for this book XD anyways, hey everyone! hope you're all doing amazing!! so sorry for not updating on this book. i have struggled with ideas and was really just focusing a lot more on my other 'dating this nrl player' book. anyways, i've had this idea for a little while but was never really able to put it into writing but i finally managed too. it's quite long so i'm going to be doing this in at least 2 parts (maybe more) to get more details in there.

also a quick note, this chapter is written as if you are a girl and the daughter of an nrl coach, so i am very sorry if this doesn't fit your pronouns/how you identify. i wanted to write this imagine sort of from my pov so that's why it is written this way. of course feel free to change these pronouns when you are reading and if you would like an adjustment to how this chapter was written please just let me know.

anyways, lets get into this imagine, it's gonna be a long one...*

notes: y/n - your name, y/n/n - your nickname, y/l/n - your last name, p/n - players name, y/d/n - your dads name, y/f/t - your favourite nrl team

about: you are the daughter of the y/f/t coach. you have also been appointed as an assistant coach which has always been one of your dreams jobs but you still have a few trials to deal with as being the coaches daughter and the only female assistant coach...


could life be any better?! my dad has just been appointed as the new head coach of the the y/f/t and he has appointed me as an assistant coach! i've always wanted to be involved with rugby league in a way like this. playing league never really appealed to me, i really wanted to be a coach of some sort. now, i know what you're thinking, 'you only got this job because of your dad.' well maybe that's true, not many other nrl teams are out there looking for a female coach, but trust me, i am qualified for this job. i grew up watching nrl, studying the different tactics players and teams use, always checking the news to see what players have been signed or for any other updates i could find. i am really ready for this job.

today is my first official day where the whole coaching team and other staff go in and meet everybody. some of us are new and some have been here before. from what i've heard, the whole team are pretty excited abut having y/d/n as their coach but i'm not sure how they feel about me. they're probably pretty sceptical...

i arrive at the y/f/t training facility right on time and see a few of the other assistant coaches as well as my dad walking in. i jog up to them. "hey guys! how we feeling?" i ask. "pretty excited to meet the whole team! how about you y/n/n?" asks the new tactics coach. i've already met and am pretty close with the whole coaching staff and they all seem pretty happy to have me on their team. "excited and nervous. excited because this is literally my dream job but nervous about how everyone's gonna feel about having me here," i respond. "they are gonna love you," my dad says patting my shoulder.

we reach the front door and walk inside. voices start coming from everywhere, heaps of different conversations going on. it is mainly the players and a few of the other staff like the physios and doctors. no one really seems to notice that we're here. i try avoid looking at anyone, my nerves getting the better of me, but i still manage to catch someone's eye. it's p/n. the one and only. he was one of my favourite players from before i got this job and when i found out i'd be working with him, not gonna lie, i was thrilled. he's pretty easy on the eyes too...

i snap back to reality as p/n smiles at me. i give him a quick smile back as dad, the coaching staff, and i all head to the big conference/meeting room. we get our things all set up for the speeches we have to deliver later and then take a seat. slowly, the room starts filling up as the players and staff come in and take their seats. i see p/n and take note of where he is sitting. why? i don't really know, i mean it's not like him and i could ever become a thing...i think...

after everyone is settled my dad walks to the front of the room. a loud round of applause and plenty of wolf-whistles fill the room. the whole team already loves him. he delivers an incredible speech about his goals for the club and how he wants to get to know everyone individually. it is nothing short of a perfect speech. as he wraps up another round of applause fills the room. dad quietens everyone then continues talking...

"alright everyone, now i am going to invite up each member of the coaching staff so they can introduce themselves to you and tell you about what they want to do for this club as well. first up we have the assistant coach, my right-hand woman, my amazing daughter, y/n."

there is a half-hearted round of applause as i walk to the front of the room, no one quite sure how to respond to me being here. i can feel everyone's eyes on me, staring at me as i reach the front. an awkward silence fills the room. i take a deep breath, clear my throat, and begin my speech.

"well first of all, hi everyone. i'm y/n as i'm sure most of you know. i just want to say that i am truly honoured to be here. i grew up watching rugby league as i'm sure most of you did too. and being apart of a coaching team for an nrl club has always been my dream job. so truly, i am honoured to be here. now, down to some business. i know that most of you are probably pretty sceptical about having me here as an assistant coach. not only because i'm the coaches daughter, but also because i am a woman. and i know most of you are thinking that i got this job just because my dad is head coach, but i want to reassure you all that that is not the main reason i am here. i want to assure you that i am here because i know what i am talking about. i am here to do the best job that i can to help us all succeed as a club. now, i know that it is going to take some time for me to earn all of your respect, but i also want you to know that it is going to take some time for all of you to earn my respect. it goes both ways. the only way that i am going to be able to do my job is if i know that i have all of your backing. every single one of you behind me. i also know that the only way you boys are going to be able to do your job is if you trust me and believe in the way that i can help this club. i want you to know that i am going to be behind every single one of you as well. just because i'm a woman doesn't mean i can't do this job and it doesn't mean that you all have to treat me differently. treat me as if i'm one of your own, that is all i ask. i am really looking forward to getting to know each and everyone of you and i hope that you're all looking forward to getting to know me too. thank you."

i nod my head and look down, a little embarrassed that i just said all that.

all of a sudden a rowdy round of applause fills the room. i look up to see everyone smiling and clapping. my face turns red. i make eye contact with p/n and he gives me a quick and knowing wink. i blush even harder. i nod again, more confidently this time as i walk back to my seat. the clapping dies down as my dad walks back up to the front. "my daughter everybody," he says proudly, gesturing to where i'm sitting. "now i would like to invite up to the front..."

this continues on, each member of the coaching staff heading to the front to introduce themselves. and just like that, it was all over. everyone had been able to deliver their speeches and it went smoothly. all in all, a very successful morning.

now it was mingling time. my nerves spiked again. i was pretty worried about what the players would be like one on one...would they make fun of my speech? before my thoughts spiralled out of control i reminded myself who i am. i am y/n y/l/n, assistant coach of the y/f/t! with some new-found confidence, i headed out of the conference room into the open area with everyone else, mentally preparing myself for any situation that might occur.

immediately i walk right into p/n. "hi, i'm p/n," he says, as if i don't already know who he is. he sticks out his hand for me to shake. i firmly grasp his hand, shake it, and respond, "hi, i'm y/n."

to be continued...


*a.n. eeeee! this was so much fun to write!!! i really hope you enjoyed it! not too sure when part 2 of this will be released but hopefully soon so keep an eye out :)

thank you all so much for reading and i hope you have an amazing day/night!! lots of love, Jadie xxx*

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