𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶-𝔱𝔴𝔬

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📍 Ealdor

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📍 Ealdor

June, 504 AD

"Merlin! Gather the villagers, I need to talk to them," Arthur called out to the sorcerer, who sent me an annoyed look. "I mean, you never did quit. You just said you were leaving," I said with a shrug, earning a glare before he huffed and walked away. 

"Nice to see you still have your head, Princess," Merlin's other best friend, Will, appeared out of nowhere with a smug smile. He'd let his chestnut hair grow a bit longer since last I saw him, and his blueish green eyes examined me up and down. "Wish I could say the same thing, Assbutt," I sassed, crossing my arms. We'd never been able to get along, despite our common friend. Will was too arrogant in my eyes, and he had a short temper like me, so we clashed a lot. 

Also, he tried to kiss me once and hid in his house for like a week after I punched him in the eye, leaving a big bruise. 

I walked away from the boy and led Dallas to the paddock where he'd lived in during our time in Ealdor. Ella, Bronze and the horses that Merlin, Gwen and Hunith had brought followed us instinctively. I untacked all of them and placed the saddles in the wagon. "You did great, Dal. Get some rest," I kissed the Thoroughbred's forehead and went back to the town square. 

A crowd had started to form around Arthur, who stood at the centre of the town square, so I weaved through the people and moved to stand near the Prince as a way to provide support. He smiled down at me when he saw me, making my heart beat a little faster as I returned the gesture. 

"I know Kanen's kind. He will be back. And when he is, you must be ready for him," the Prince announced once enough people had gathered. They shared confused glances. "First of all, we have to prepare for–" Arthur began, only to get cut off by none other than Will. "Am I the only one wondering who the hell this is?!" he asked aloud, getting a positive response from a few villagers, though most groaned in annoyance. I'm far from being the only one who disliked him. 

"I am Prince Arthur of Camelot," the blond replied proudly. "Ha, yeah, and I am Prince William of Ealdor," Will retorted with a scoff. "Yeah, right. In any case, you'd be the janitor. Now shut your face before I do it for you!" I stepped in to defend Arthur, glaring daggers at the brunet. 

I considered the Prince a friend at this point. And only I was allowed to be mean to my friends. 

"Here they go again," Merlin whined at our bickering. "Keep quiet, he is here to help us," Hunith told Will sternly, but the boy wouldn't back down. "He has made things worse! Kanen will be back, and when he is, he will be looking for revenge. You have just signed our death warrants," he argued loudly. "We'll turn you in as a peace offering," I threatened, aiming my unloaded bow at the guy. 

"Astraea," Arthur whispered in a warning tone as his arm stretched out to lower mine gently. I allowed it. 

"What would you have us do?" the Prince turned to Will, crossing his arms. "We cannot fight against Kanen. He has too many men," he replied, suddenly turning nervous under the blond's authoritative stare. "So what is the alternative?" Arthur questioned. "G-give him what h-he wants," the boy stuttered, looking down. 

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