Chapter 14 - The Virgin in Kurt's Bed

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The search for Chrissy Swanson was called off at two in the morning. Ed waited until Kurt, Rex, Willow and their friends made it back to the pool parking lot. The kids were all equally disheartened. Kurt drove the twins home first then dropped Willow off across the street. Her parents were waiting up, worried as could be. Ed entered the Stone house with his two oldest boys hungry and exhausted. Every light in the entire house seemed to be on. The smell of the stew was the first thing that hit their senses.

"Amy??" called out Ed.

"Something smells good," said Rex.

"I'm starving," said Kurt who made a beeline to the kitchen.

Rex followed and the boys inhaled what remained of the tasty stew. Ed looked for Amy. There in the family room, he found Amy and Sophia sound asleep on the L-shaped couch. He hated to wake them up but he wanted to let her know he and the boys were home.

"Amy," whispered Ed. "We're home."

Startled, Amy abruptly sat up, confused and frightened.

"What's wrong!" she said. "Where's Sophia??"

"It's okay," said Ed. "I'm home. Nothing's wrong. Sophia's right here. You two fell asleep on the couch."

"I'm sorry, I'm just a little freaked out."

"Did anything happen?"

"No, not really, except for the invisible girls I heard in Joe's room and the mystery stew on the stove."

"The what and the what?"

"Nevermind, it's been a strange night. I'll tell you in the morning."

"Okay. You're welcome to spend the night. It's two in the morning. I don't want you driving home at this hour."

"I have to be honest, I'm a little scared to spend the night here."

"Tell you what," said Ed. "How about I get us some blankets and pillows and I sleep at the other end of the couch?"

"I'd like that, but you don't have to."

"My pleasure, besides I owe you for coming over and looking out for Joe and Will."

"Did you find Chrissy Swanson?"

"No, not yet. Only her phone in the woods."

"Oh no."

Ed unexpectedly found himself smitten with Amy Small. It hit him like a baseball bat to the chest. Why had he not seen how amazing she was before? Maybe it was due to his obsessing over the ghost of Charlotte Beaumont. Or maybe he'd been holding onto Olivia a little too tightly. Or maybe Chrissy's disappearance had made him realize you cannot take anyone in your life for granted.


Kurt was beat. He did a face-plant onto his bed, still in his board shorts and dirty tee shirt. He dozed off within seconds dreaming of Abby and Ally McFadden. He'd yet to make his move but his ambitious master plan was to talk both sisters into being his girlfriends. What did he have to lose? Dating twins his senior year in high school would make all the heartache of the cross country move worth it. Only Kurt Stone could pull that off and he knew it.

It was still dark when Kurt awoke affright. Without reason, he sat up in bed wide awake. He felt different. It took a beat, but Kurt soon realized he was in bed under the covers with no clothes on. He had no recollection of removing his clothes before bed or bothering to slide under the sheets. It took him another beat, but his next realization blew his mind. There in bed with him was what appeared to be a naked girl. He lifted the thin sheet to investigate and sure enough, with the help of the moonlight, there in his bed was a stunning teenage girl curled up in her birthday suit.

"Hey," said Kurt. "Who the hell are you?"

The heavenly creature rolled onto her back and stretch out her nude body for Kurt to devour with his eyes.

"That was wicked good," she said.


"You heard me, big boy."

"Girl, what the hell happened here?"

"We had sex."

"I don't remember anything."

"You will. We can have sex again if you want."

"Who are you?"

"I live here."

"No, I live here. We moved in a few days ago. This's my room."

"Well, I've lived here for many many years and this is my room too."

"This's some weird dream, right?"

"Afraid not, grumpy boy."

"I'm not grumpy."

"We just had great sex and you're in a bad mood."

"How old are you?"

"Sixteen. How old are you grumpy bear?"

"Seventeen. What's your name?"

"Alexandra. What's yours?"

"Kurt. Do your parents know where you are?"

"My mom does. My dad's not in the picture."

"Where's your mom?"

"In her room down the hall."

"Where's that?"

"The master bedroom, of course."

"My dad's room?"

"Are you starting to get it?"

"No, I'm totally lost."

"I live in this house with my mom and my three sisters. I'm the oldest by the way. Now we live with your family too. We're all sharing this house together. It'll be fun."

Kurt was a little slow on the uptake but he started to put together what Alexandra was telling him. Although, he did not for an instant believe he was in bed with a ghost.

"I'm dreaming for sure."

"This's no dream."

"You're telling me you're one of those Beaumont girls?"

"Yes. My name is Alexandra Beaumont."

"The Beaumont girls are long dead."

"We're the undead, I guess."

"No way, you're messing with me."

"I'm not kidding. I was killed in this very room long before you were born."

"I thought ghosts were supposed to be all decayed and scary. Don't you want my family to get out of your house or something?"

"Not at all. Do you know how long I've waited for a boy my age to move in?"

"Why, so you can have sex?"

"Yes, I died a virgin, thank you."

"What? You never fooled around with a guy when you were alive?"

"No, my father was very strict. I couldn't have a boyfriend. You're my first."

"Oh shit. Now you're gonna have the virgin attachment, aren't you?"

"What's that?"

"Forget it."

"I'd like to do it again, if you don't mind. I'm not sure I did it right."

"I'm sure you did just fine."

"You don't want to make love to me again?"

Kurt looked at Alexandra. In truth, she was the most perfect girl he'd ever set eyes on. He figured it was all a dream anyway so he let himself relax and go with it. He'd be glad he did. A decision he'd never regret.

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