Chapter 11

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Gobi had found a small bird, which he and Orion were both observing in their talons. It gave a small chirp of protest and Gobi jumped, letting go of the bird which flew out the sky hole.

Nightwave watched all of this in amusement from the river. The water drifted in between his scales, he had grown accustomed to the cold now.

Orion's mind was somehow familiar with him, he could tell when they first met. He was also a mind reader, not a powerful one, and Nightwave can only glimpse a little into his mind before being bombarded with thoughts. He could tell the blue NightWing can read his thoughts right now.

Orion approached him and lay down next to the water.

"I thought you looked familiar." He simply said.

"Oh yeah?" Nightwave arched his eyebrow at him. "Care to share your thoughts?"

"The IceWing fight."

Oh. Oh.

"That was YOU?" Nightwave exclaimed.

Orion nodded with a goofy smile on his face. "So, do you like octopi?"

"What? No?" Nightwave was a little confused by the sudden topic change.

He just looked down at his talons and started thinking about an octopus he saw one time in a book. Nightwave dove under the water and moved to the next cave over.

Stratus was sitting by the water and jumped when she saw him.

"Oh! Sorry, your scales are so dark I didn't see you." She shuffled towards the exit. "Anyway, I looked at the map Orion had and know where to head. We can go to the college right now."

Gobi trotted in with Orion right behind him, ready to go. They all left the cave and flew off.

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