Chapter 7

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"Moose! Quit being a moose and come help me!" Duck exclaimed as Twig and Thea squished him under their weight.

Moose looked up from the scroll he was reading and scoffed at the scene. The three of them tussled until they were out of breath. They often did this when they were bored and Boulder was away.

A little tug pulled at his mind again and he sighed. He put down the scroll and stretched. A shadow overhead made him look up to see a NightWing hybrid flying towards the King's retreat.

The triplets saw her too and followed her with their heads turning in unison.

Boulder could be seen a little ways around the corner following their gaze. He sauntered up to them.

"Order of the Moons. They're here to recruit some more members and make some negotiations with King Slough." He explained.

That means we have to go see what the meeting is about, he thought to himself. If the Order was recruiting they'd have to show up, see who would leave this time. Throughout the years Moose has seen a few solo MudWings desert their siblings to join, very rarely an entire group would leave together.

A bell toll rang and all the MudWings flew off towards the amphitheatre. They each took their spot near the smack middle to watch as King Slough and the NightWing/SeaWing hybrid staring out towards the crowd.

Moose saw her eyes do a double take when looking at him, squinting slightly. He was suddenly very self conscious of how he looked part IceWing, and thought that's why she had to look over him twice for her to realize that he wasn't.

He felt a twinge of empathy. Other dragons used to make fun of him because he looked like a hybrid, but she was actually a hybrid. He could see the sorrow in the creases of her eyes, and she looked as though she had to remind herself not to droop her wings every now and then.

Soon everyone was gathered and silenced themselves as King Slough cleared his throat for everyone to hear.

"My name is Euxine," Called out the dragon next to him after he gave her a nod. "I'm with the Order of the Moons to recruit members of the Mud Kingdom."

Whispers began to spread silently as she spoke of meeting points to rest at when the order comes for willing recruits. Once she finished speaking Moose perked his ears at a nearby conversation.

"There's no way I'm joining the order." The MudWing fidgeted with her claws.

"Yeah," said the other next to her. "Have you heard that some of their members have been disappearing all over the world? Gone without so much as a clue to where they went."

Moose shook his head and continued to head home so that he could get some rest.

Disappearing dragons, he thought gloomily.

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