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The next evening, everyone meets up at the market like always, except for Nic, as he is late to the table. All of his friends attempt to call him on his phone, but the calls go directly to voicemail.

"Hey Elle, have you seen Nic?", Barry asks.

" He was with me this morning, we walked together but when we got here, he said he would be right back."

"Where could he possibly be?", Leo questions to himself. Out in the distance, Nic is walking fast, rushing to get to the group, seemingly shoving something in his pocket.

" Hey guys, sorry I'm late", Nic says, catching his breath.

"Dude what took you so long? We been waiting for fifteen minutes", Barry asks tiredly.

" Yeah sorry about that, that's on me guys"

"Alright so, what was this emergency you wanted to talk about?", Barry asks.

" I thought about something last night and...", Nic pauses for a minute, being distracted by something in the distance behind Barry.

"What the hell is that?", he convinces Barry that something is going on behind him. He turns around rapidly when suddenly, everyone  quickly pulls out gifts from under the table and they all presented them to Barry.

" Happy birthday!!! ", everyone exclaims while Barry is caught off guard.

" Oh my god guys, I didn't think you remembered... ", Barry then starts to tear up a bit.

" No Barry NO, please don't cry", Link says jokingly.

"I'm not crying I'm just... Joyful", Barry replies while wiping a tear away.

" Thank you guys so much, I really appreciate the presents to", he adds in.

"Who's are you going to open first?", Elle asks Barry.

" Well, I guess Nic's, since he was late." Nic hands over a red gift bag, Barry rummages through the red gift paper, and pulls out a medium-sized box. Barry opens it, and pulls out a pendant

"A pendant?", he questioned. Nic starts to look concerned.

" And it is...", Barry then gasps, and grows hyper.

"NO WAY, branded by the legend himself? Holy shit Nic, how did you know I love this band?"

"Dude, you don't think I hear you when you listen to it on full blast? I mean, not that I had a choice but I figured you were a big fan."

"Big? I am the hugest fan ever, can't thank my grandma enough", Barry replies.

" Your grandma listens to deathcore?", Link asks Barry dumbfounded.

"Well, yeah?"

"What the actual fu-"

" OKAY! ", Nic interrupts loudly.

" Um Barry, why don't you keep looking?", Nic added. Barry continues to feel around in the bag, until he picks up another, smaller box.

"Oh my god this box is so adorable", he says in a high pitched voice.

" Yes, now look inside of it ", Nic giggles. Barry gasps once again, and shows his hand to everyone.

" I have always, wanted a platinum ring and this is so killer, who got this for me?" Elle then smiles at Barry, posing a bit.

"Oh my, Elle, thank you so much", he responds as he begins to hug Elle.

" You're welcome", she says shyly, hugging him back.

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