Bibles History Lessons

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In what year was 2 Chronicles written? Who wrote it? Was it all recorded at the same time? There are so many questions that Biblical scholars have asked trying to understand perhaps better the most important book in history. Many Christians, myself included, often fail to ask some of these critical questions. The verses above may seem unimportant, but there is a lot to learn in these verses that are rarely considered by readers.
The Bible up to this point has been a celebration of the kingdom of Israel. This is not to say that there have not been dark times, but the Babylonian empire is about to conquer Israel, looting, pillaging, and destroying everything on the way. The Babylonian captivity lasts for around 70 years, with the Jewish people being exiled from their homeland. Finally, Cyrus, the great takes power and allows the Jews to return to their home. The final verse of 2 Chronicles is a proclamation of Cyrus, although its' authenticity is questioned, commanding the restoration of the temple in Jerusalem.

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