Show me the signs

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How can we recognize the Christ? John the Baptist had pointed to Jesus at the beginning of his ministry, but now seems to be confused. Is Jesus the one, or should we look for another? Jesus tells him to look for the signs mentioned in a reading from the prophet Isaiah. The blind regain their sight, the lame walk, the deaf hear, the dead are raised and the poor have the good news proclaimed to them. What are the signs that we see today? It's hard sometimes because the signs pointed out to us around the world are so negative. But at this season of the year, we do see and hear about things that give us hope. People show a level of compassion for the poor more at this time of year than at any other. People seem friendlier – unless, of course, you are reaching for the last "special" toy in the store! We are meant to bring peace and reconciliation into our worlds – the worlds of family, work and neighborhood. As followers of Jesus, it is our responsibility to be witnesses to the world that the kingdom of God is here if only we are willing to see it. We no longer need to sing with the psalmist, "Lord, come and save us" because he already has. However, we still need to bring the good news of the gospel to all who are still waiting to hear it. How do we do that? We become living signs of Christ to all we meet.

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