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Why can't be there an emoji for trans people? Like... I had to search and think it for 10 minutes!

Anyway! I'm back!

And as requested by the lovely That-BipolarTrash:

Today we have an old one with a sprinkle of something new:

Mastermind Shuichi x Trans Oma

First... I gotta make clear some things... I am not trans and I am not really familiar with the ways of it, only the basic concept... But even though, trans people are people... In some of my past fics, I headcannon Shuichi as trans, but that's it... I also headcannon Himiko as trans... IDK... It just sits well with me... These headcannons are personal... So I just address to them with their designed pronouns from the game...

Note: trans or not, everyone has the rights to feel comfortable in their own body, in their own way. Transitioning entirely, keeping it that way or changing minor things like pronouns. I, for one, am feeling great in my own body... But I saw persons who still don't feel good in their own bodies because of stereotypes... Girls mostly apparently... At one moment I even snapped at them because they wanted to lose some weight when they actually were skin and bones. Yeah... This is a bad example of wanting to lose weight. Thinking about losing/adding weight is more when you actually realise your health might be in danger... Not for some aesthetic appeals or something like that.

I for one, don't really give a Damn to ask if one of my friends is trans, non-binary, gender fluid or anything else of this spectrum... I address to them by their chosen pronouns and treat them like my usual friend. No asking about their choices or something regarding this. The only time I will intervent will be when someone makes fun of them for being who they are, or if they are wronged. And trust me... I am not nice when I'm pissed.

Honestly... This is my opinion... Doesn't matter how the respective people identify as... What matters is to treat everyone with respect because everyone is valid to some degrees... (I am looking at you: rapists and incest doers)

Why did I unveil such a sensitive topic? Well... For this fic, I wanted to test my skills at writing something more sensible: Bodyshame...

So this is a trigger warning for people who find Bodyshame as a sensitive topic.

And now... A smol plot: It was some time since Kokichi was grieving from Kirumi's death. Shuichi doesn't know what to do to aid the liar so that the game could go on, everyone to wake up in real life and avoid any kind of real killing. Kokichi was aware of the detective's true status, being wary of every step the other could take. So the bluenette needs to make small steps in their relationship if he wants to succeed.

Yup... This one will be a bit short... It is some time since I actually got to write again in full Power, let alone for this fandom...

So... Anyway! On with the game!

Title: (IDK what to put)

No one pov:


Every inch of the room was covered in the bright coloured liquid of life. The reaming students in the game watched in horror how their fellow friend was masacrated in an attempt at surviving, having their hope shattered just when it was more bigger than anything.

Shuichi looked down, fist tight closed. It was his fault. He and only he was guilty of this. He knew all too well that this was all but reality. He knew Kirumi was fine and recovering from this in the real life.

Yet it still hurt to see it with his own eyes...

Shuichi eyed each and every one of the remaining students. Some were silent, some were crying and some didn't even spare a glance towards the horrid place, just walking out of there in a hurry.

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