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Life for me was just nothing. I was an empty piece of shit. My life is fuck up. I'm so fuck up. Not until she came.

I thought we had the most perfect and  happy family but I was wrong. I just found my mother lying on her bed, drinking and crying.

"He's a cheater! A fucking cheater! How could he do this to me? To us? Huh? Can someone answer me?!"

At the early age, I've witnessed how cruel my father was to hurt my mother. At the early age, I've witnessed how my mother cried almost every night because of my cheater father.

One time, my cousin's and I go to the club to have our night out and to have fun. I saw my father together with his mistress at the restaurant before the club and they're laughing as fuck as if they both not committed to their each partner. Gusto kong manuntok pero hindi ko ginawa.

"Bro is that tito?" Clint ask me.

Umigting ang panga ko at kumuyom ang kamao. "Putangina niya."

Umiling siya at pinigilan ako. "Let him. I know he'll regret it anyway."

Everything was like that. Life is so fuck up. I can't take it anymore. I confronted him.

"Dad can we talk?" I remain my voice calm kahit gustong-gusto ko siyang sigawan at sumbatan sa putanginang pinag-gagawa niya.

He put down the newspaper and look at me. We're inside his office in the house. I've never get interested on his company. I already build mine.

"About what, son?"

I almost forgot I'm his son. 'Cause everytime he's out of the house, I considered myself not.

"About how fuck up you are for cheating on my mother," hindi ko na napigilan ang sarili.

He stop and his mouth hanged open. "W-what? What are you talking about Chancellor?"

Pagak akong napatawa. "I said, how fuck up you are for cheating on my mother! Fuck you! If you just cheated then leave my mother, leave us, we don't need you anyway. We can fucking live our life without you!"

Napatayo ako nang kinuwelyuhan niya ako. He punch me hard. Fucking shit.

"How dare you shout at me like that! You are in my house! In my territory!"

"Then we'll fucking leave! Wala ka namang kwenta, manloloko pa!"

Pinahiran ko ang dugo sa gilid ng labi. This old man still knows how to punch huh?

"You fucking! Get out before I can do something!"

I laughed sarcastically and walks out of his office.

Putangina niyang gago siya. Hindi man lang niya kami naisip? Akala ko ba mahal niya si mommy?

He leave us and my mother ended her life because of him. I despise him so much and those family. I will never ever forget that family and have my revenge when time comes. I'll gonna fucking hunt them down 'til they knelt their fucking knees down on us. Hindi ko sila titigilan hangga't hindi sila lumuluhod sa harapan namin.

"CJ 'wag kang kj diyan! Oh 'di ba katunog ng name mo pero sabing 'wag kang kill joy. Sumama ka na, sa Mactan Island lang naman tayo, please baby bro. I'll just fetch my friend there,"

I rolled my eyes on ate. "Okay fine."

She smiled widely and run to hug me. "Omg thanks baby bro. Love you." Then she kiss me on my cheeks.

I never thought that this unexpected vacation can lead me to something nice.

"CJ sali ka sa picture taking, 'wag kang kj!"

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