Chapter 3

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There's a silence as I sputter, grasping at straws. "I-I... it-uhm..." The last customer left- I can't tell if it was because their Uber has finally arrived or if it was from second hand embarrassment on my behalf. "I think that's a question for later on perhaps, right Hydra?" Anette said as she got up, tryin to make things normal again. "Y-yeah, yes- sorry, you just threw me off guard." "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to over step any boundaries-" I cut her off, " No, no- you're fine, it's fine. It's honestly best if i tell the story upstairs though- it's a long one,  and I'm famished." We all start to get up, and as they head for my door, I go and lock up the bar and join them.
As we enter my room I finally kick off my shoes, letting my feet sink into the soft black carpet. "Ugh, what a day- we were really packed tonight," I say while I walk over to the door across from me. "My apartment is set up kinda different, this is my room- this is my kitchen." I open yet another door and we all pour into the next room. I flip the switch, light glinting off of the black and white marble counter tops and island. I have to admit, other than my bar, my kitchen is my second favorite room. With a kitchen island it made it easy for them to take a seat and talk amongst themselves as I walk over to grab steaks and tofu cutlets for Anette out of the fridge. "Is everyone okay with garlic butter?"
"Ugh, that sounds amazing, " Willow said as she finally wiped away the Dorito crumbs off of her face. I turn to my stove top and start to cook as I talk. "So, you wanna know how old I am?"
"I'm just curious- you make it sound like you've been here awhile." I take a sharp inhale and try to laugh it off, "Well Flora, you could definitely say that... what year is it?"
"It's 2021...?" I can hear the confusion in her voice, The smoke off of the meat rises as it starts to cook. "723."
"H-how, how is that even possible," asked Anette. "Dragons aren't like most species- we age at a snail's space, and are almost immortal," I stated while I started to go to work on the vegan food. I got out plates for dinner from a cabinet by the fridge, and set the table. "What do you mean 'almost'?" As soon as the question left Flora's mouth, my stomach twisted in knots. It's the second question I had been avoiding answering at any chance I could get. "Well- dragons can age by using a specific type of magic we perform with another person. It happens only when we have found 'the one'. It's called Soul Bonding."
"Well you're pretty good looking for an old lady," Willow joked and we all laughed at the same time, and my stomach started to relax, I turned around with all of the fest I had created and gave everyone their food. "I have been saving this," I say as i go over to the fridge once more to get out the Black Ops Shiraz blend. "It's the best wine that pairs with dinner-do you guys want any?" They all agree in harmony while i get out wine glasses and pour. "Oh my god- this is amazing! I'll definitely be coming over more often now, " Flora said as she chewed. I can't help but smile to myself as i eat, the thought of her to myself fills me with a mellow happiness that i force myself to push aside. After we finished eating i set aside the dishes in the dishwasher and moved us all into the living room that was next door to my kitchen area. I put Lo-fi music on the flat screen TV as we painted each others nails and drank wine.

I sat next to Flora on the mahogany couch and dragged the bag of polishes away from Willow and Anette to pick out colors.

 " So what's your favorite color?" 

" Hmm... I like light greens."

She watched me as I got out a fresh verdant color, then held out my hand. "May I?" she blushes as she put her slender hand into mine. I could hear Willow and Anette talking in the background as I felt my face heat up. I cant remember the last time I even held hands with someone- its been eons. I clear my throat as I try to gather my nerves. "So what made you want to move," I asked while I started to apply the polish to her nails. "Well I used to live in a really small town- I decided to leave so that I could travel out and meet new people, like you guys."

"You're more than welcome to hang out with us any time dear," Anette said as she gave her a friendly smile. "Actually that gives me an idea- I've been working on my mushroom magic in my backyard, you guys should come see it sometime!" Willow sounds so happy... A part of me wants to go with. Not only to support Willow, but if Flora is going...'s not like I'm against seeing more of her. On the other hand, a part of me isn't open to the idea of getting close- my past... it still haunts me...

"You can do magic?! That sounds amazing! I would love that!" Flora makes me lose my train of thought. "Well we usually have Sundays and Tuesdays off, so whenever you're free, I can drive us all to my place," Willow said as she applied a deep plum polish to Annette's nails. "Great- are you going to come Hydra?" I look at her and feel the knots in my stomach again. "I...," I notice Anette and Willow are sitting there waiting for an answer too, knowing it would be the first time in years that I would have officially gone out with everyone. I take a deep breath, "Y-yeah, sure..." The two of them look at each other, a bit shocked I had finally agreed for once. I roll my eyes as i set down the polish to take a big gulp of the wine, the hints of berries dancing on my taste buds as i try to make my stomach relax once more. "Gimme your other hand," I tell her as i start up again.

 A few minutes pass between us, and I can feel her eyes on me- i cant tell if she's looking at me or just watching me paint her nails, but either way, my face heats up again out of embarrassment. I'm tempted to look her in the eyes, but don't in fear of ruining the moment. Afterwards she takes ahold my hand excitedly and said, "Your turn!" She hadn't picked out anything yet so she sat there holding hands with me while she rummaged through my bag. I swear if she were to even glance at me she would see that I was practically a tomato at this point. Finally she picked out something and started to do my nails in return with a shimmering playful blue I forgot I even had. " I love this color on you, it brings out the color of your horns. It's called Mermaid Magic by L.A. colors- it's really pretty." She smiled while she focusing on not messing up the polish.

After everyone was done doing each others nails, we all just sat there drinking the rest of our wine, talking and laughing with one another. Eventually i turned off the music to call it a night. "Hydra, can me and Annette sleep in your guest bedroom? Neither of us feel like driving home." I gave them a thumbs up as an A-Okay, letting them know that they could. The two walked to the back where my spare room was an shut the door behind them, leaving me and Flora with one another. "You're free to stay too- you can take my bed if you want. I can just bum it out on the couch for the night," I said as my head swirled, I untied my tie, trying to get more air. I could definitely tell I was tipsy. " Oh I don't mind if we sleep in the same bed." I raised my eyebrows as she pulled me off the couch. We went through the kitchen to get to my room, and I turned off al the lights as we made our way through. I opened the door and she followed behind me. "Would you like some pajamas to borrow? I have some I don't really use," I offer her as I pull out a matching, plush pair of night apparel for her that were frog themed out of my dresser. "Those are so cute, oh my goodness!"

"Bathrooms are over there," I pointed to the huge glass doors that were frosted for privacy.

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