Chapter 8

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They are right- I can tell they're right because I can feel the stress melt away under the warm water. Too many questions... but God, I hate that I have to admit it- even to myself. When I finally get out of the bathroom in winter pajamas, I flopped onto my bed, crawled underneath my covers, and turned off the light with a big sigh. So... hiking and camping? I can spread my wings- literally. My heart thumps with excitement as if it knows what I'm thinking. My eyelids close and as I drift to sleep the thoughts of camping and a beautiful , purple haired girl swirl in my head. 

BEEP BEEP, BEEP BEEP! I slapped the snooze button, surprised I had made it a whole night without one night terror- I felt like a weight was being lifted off my chest. "Maybe today will be a good day," I said to myself while wearing a small smile on my face. I almost never wake up feeling this good. "Hey, Hydra- it's time dear." I nod my head, realizing she can't see me. "Ah- yes, thank you Anette," I croaked while actually getting out of bed this time. I rushed while getting ready, throwing on a black button up and pants to match. 

"There she is, good morning best friend!" Willow gave me a giant bear hug, squishing me to bits. "Alright, alright- get off of me, we've got work to do." We spent the next three hours cleaning up the place, making sure not to miss a table top, and then I stocked up on drinks at my station. As they dragged on, I couldn't stop myself from checking my phone every once in awhile to see if I had any messages from Flora, but no luck. 

As the night rolled on with customers coming and going, she finally arrived. a red top and skinny jeans, with a necklace and earrings complimenting her skin with a big smile on her face when she saw me. I gave her a grin and a nod as she sat down in the same booth as last time, putting her cutesy duffel bag next to her. After some customers leave, I notice she wasn't there anymore. What the hell? I scan the room quickly only to see a glimpse of her going over to the jukebox; she catches me out of the corner of her eye and flashes me that smile of hers as the door opens, making her hair flow backwards, and my throat goes dry. I finished cleaning the counter and went over to join her at the booth, the other two coming over soon afterwards. "I take it you're still going on that trip with us," I say, hinting at the duffel bag as I sat across from her. "Yeah, I think it'll be fun," She beamed. 

The night rolled by quicker than I imagined, and in no time we were all upstairs. When I entered my room an started taking off my work shoes at the end of my bed, Flora  must've picked up the only picture I had in my room. "Remember how we agreed to one question a day?" I can already see where this is going. "Who is this?"

She sat down on my bed while Willow and Anette both looming over her, looking at the photo

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She sat down on my bed while Willow and Anette both looming over her, looking at the photo. "That's Elizabeth...this is... the only thing I have left of her..." 

They all came over and group hugged me. "We're sorry dear," Anette said as she held on tight like she was the glue holding everyone together. "That'll do pig, that'll do, "Willow joked as they broke it off, causing us to roar with laughter. "Anyways, we should hurry up an eat so we can get to bed- we gotta be up early." I headed to the kitchen and started making a simple but bountiful vegetable soup that even Willow could get full on. "Is there anything you can't make," Flora rhetorically asked. Afterwards, I loaded the dish washer and headed for my room.

" Mind  if I join you?" 

"Not at all, come on in." Flora plopped on the other side of the bed, sinking into the blankets, her pink winter pajamas standing out against my black comforter. I wanna change but I'm too tired. I just slink under the an turn on my side, flipping the switch off. I listened to her breathing again to help me doze off to sleep but was interrupted. " Hydra?"


"I'm sorry... for your loss..."

A pain goes through my chest as I hear those words for the first time. I take a ragged breath. "...Me too..." The silence between us is deafening- I thought she fell asleep, but then I felt an arm wrap around me- I embrace it, and we fall asleep as a part of me realizes how grateful I actually am to have friends like these. 

I woke up before my alarm went off- at first I stayed there, wrapped in Flora's arms where it was warm. Eventually I went ahead and packed heavily for the trip and quickly got dressed with my favorite pine green cargo pants and matching sweater as I got out some boots that were perfect for hiking. When I looked in the mirror to brush my hair and teeth, I couldn't help but stare at myself for a moment- What am I doing, I asked as my brown eyes stared back at me. I don't deserve to be happy... BEEP BEEP, BEEP BEEP! My alarm finally goes off, barging in on the dark thoughts that begun plaguing my head. I turned it off and sat next to her while she opened her eyes and puts on a soft smile made just for me. "Morning sleepy head."

"Hey, that's my line," She chuckled. "You should get dressed- we have a big day ahead an give you your space." By the time I finished making everyone breakfast quesadillas, I could tell that everyone was up and going- it was as if the whole house woke u[ and came to life. "Mmm, that smells good," I hear Willow say as i turn around, both of them wearing jeans and sneakers, the only difference is that Anette is in a yellow t-shirt with sunflowers, and Willow was wearing a blue plush hoodie with bunny ears on the hat. "Well good morning to you too. Hungry?"  hand them their breakfast as Flora is the last to come out. "Oh I love your shirt! It's so cute," Anette squealed. She had on a collard top with pink, turquoise, and white stripes and pants for the trip. "Thank you!"

We all went downstairs after gathering our bags and belongings, and stuffing everyone and everything into the jeep. Half an hour into the drive, Flora lays on her back and put her head on my lap. "What are you doing goober?"

"Gettin' comfy," she giggles, and it makes me just shake my head, but I don't protest. I let her stay there, running my hand through the purple strands, her long hair spilling everywhere. Willow checked us all in with the centaur at a shack near the entrance. His muscles were outlined by his t-shirt as he put up his dirty blonde hair up in a man bun. "Hello! My name is Josh, how many of you are checking in?"  Willow answered while she payed him and we were on our way to put up tents at our empty camp site. The smell of pine trees everywhere as birds chirp, the sound of running water somewhere in the distance. "Flora, wake up- c'mon, we gotta help the others and put up tents." 

we all got to work- Willow and Anette went to get firewood, and me and Flora worked on tents when I noticed there was only two. "Ar-are you going to sleep with me again? In my tent?" She started blushing as she quietly answered me, "I hope that's not a problem- I.. I don't own a tent."

"Yeah, no o-of course," I stuttered as my heart started pounding, I cleared my throat to break the tension. "You wanna help me with the rest of this?" She shook her head, and we finished in silence. Anette and Willow showed up with the firewood, I set out chairs for everyone to take a break- unaware of the events that were about to unfold that night.

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