Chapter 5

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A part of me is filled with dread, as we all head downstairs. They are all talking, but it's like white noise to me as my mind races- Will people be accepting of me? I know my bar is always busy, but that's just business. Are people really more accepting these days towards magic and the people that are a by-product of it? I guess I was quiet for too long, because Anette broke my train of thought as we got closer to the door, making sure only I could hear. " Don't worry, everything will be fine- things are much different now," she says soothingly while patting my shoulder. I finally get to close the door behind everyone, and lock up shop- then we were off. We all piled in to Willow's orange jeep wrangler. I sat in the back, the wind whipping my hair around, relaxing me. A part of me can't help but miss flying- in this new era of 2021, flying has become dangerous for dragons and bystanders due to being in the city- there's not enough room for my wing span, so I keep my wings hidden in the human form thanks to my magic.

It was a long drive, and by the time we reached her house my minds rattling had settled, and I got more into the groove of things. " Here we are, home sweet home," she said as she pulled into the driveway, gravel shifting underneath the tires. Willow had a small, pale yellow house with a porch that had a wooden bench next to a giant window. " Just follow me out back, you guys are going to love it- it's huge!" She excitedly dashed along the side of her house, leading us around to her backyard and all of us audibly gasped as Willow stood there smiling at her work- the mushrooms she had been growing were fantastic. All of them were hues of oranges, reds, and yellows with intricate patterns somehow grown onto them; they were all different shapes and sizes all around. " Willow, this is... this is amazing! I didn't know you had this much control and power over your magic, I can definitely tell you have been working hard," gushed Anette as she goes into the backyard more, crouching down to the littlest ones that were close by. " Yeah, my mom taught me more about our type of magic when I went to visit last month- she even gave me a book written in our native language," she said, beaming with joy. "You've done some wonderful work here- I'm sure your mom is proud of you," I said as I continues to stare in awe.

We all start to walk forward into her backyard more, going separate directions so we can all look at the different ones, and check out all the mushrooms in their glory. Flora was just a few yards away as I looked at her from a distance- she seemed delighted as her fingertips grazed Willow's work. I feel silly keeping a distance between the two of us, so I get up and walk over to where she was. "Enjoying yourself I see," I say nonchalantly as I sit in the grass near her. " Oh absolutely- I didn't know that elvine magic could do this to nature- it makes everything become more eartheal and pristine." "Yeah it is exhilarating to finally witness for the first time." She paused then looked at me curiously. " This is your first time at your friends house ?"

How do i explain that things used to be different? That not only race, but species and magical things had also been segregated? " Well the past used to be different for magic creatures and species alike. It was... a more difficult time, so I kept my head down- spent most of my time working in the bar. I still do... I know things are different now in these times, but I guess a part of me is still stuck in the past in more ways than one." When I finished explaining, I saw that her facial expression had changed- she was solemn and she was more quiet than usual. She put her hand on mine, causing my face to heat up, while her eyes were misty with a soft sadness. " I... I didn't know, I'm so sorry Hydra," she said as she gently clutched my hand, " just know you have good friends who will be there for you if you need it- Willow and Anette? They are good people- you should reach out to them more... I know I'm new to the city and everything, but I'm here for you too." I could feel that my face was running hot as a single tear fell down my face as I sniffled as I squeezed her hand back for the first time. "... Thanks."

We sat in silence with one another, still holding hands- it was as if neither of us wanted to be the first to let go. I heard Willow and Anette chatting in the distance. " Do you want to go join the others?" She nodded her head, so we both got up an dusted off the grass off of our knees before walking over. " Hey you two! Enjoying yourselves?" Anette asked.

 "Oh absolutely, thank you for letting us all take a look at your garden- it's really great," Flora said happily.

"Do you guys wanna see me in action?" And just like that, Willow went to over to an empty patch of tall grass, burying her hand in it while saying something in her elvine language softly. You could tell when her magic connected with her and the earth as what looked like a splash of orange paint appeared across the area where her eyes were. When she opened here eyes, the mushrooms started growing in a beautiful design, covering the once empty patch like artwork. Finally, the splash of orange that was on her face started to fade away. It was astonishing to see her like this, connecting with mother nature as if they were family. "Your magic is invigorating to see up close," Anette said with a chipper smile, proud of her best friend.

On the car ride back though, I couldn't help but think about what Flora had said to me- should I reach out? They know me, but I haven't told anyone what it was like to be separated from the humans and hated to such an extreme extant

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On the car ride back though, I couldn't help but think about what Flora had said to me- should I reach out? They know me, but I haven't told anyone what it was like to be separated from the humans and hated to such an extreme extant. I've never told them about ... Elizabeth... my love... I refrain from thinking too much about how things used to be, but I can't help but think about my past- What would they think of me if they found out I was the abomination who got a human killed for my negligence? As soon as the thought comes to mind, I feel a heavy weight on my chest as fear sets in. It's all my fault- the segregation of humans and people of magic/magic species... If they knew the whole story, would I still have their friendship Or will telling the truth ruin everything? I feel my heart beat at a rapid pace and i feel sweat bead at my forehead as my blue hair whips in the wind again.

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